
Showing posts from November, 2013

Reflections-Careful thoughts

2013 is gradually rolling out and 2014 is rolling in. For the coming year to better we have to do things differently. What things exactly someone may be wondering? Well,   that’s what REFLECTIONS IS ALL ABOUT. So  lets take a trip down the memory lane of 2013 and find out those things that we  need to do differently.   The next year has to be better and will be. Now is a good time to decide, plan and say what you desire of the year 2014. Reflection 1 - God and I What was our relationship like? Communication Did we talk regularly, did I tell him stuffs both tiny and big stuffs? Did I whisper my joys, my love, my pains, my fears, my inadequacies, troubles or I carried them myself? Time Did I spend quality time with Him or I was busy doing a whole lot of other things? Was I there for him? Love Did I love Him whole ha or partly? Did I let someone else take his place? Did I run to Him first or to my friends? Did I recognize His love for me ...