In the Middle of Nowhere

The weather was extremely cold when I arrived Hadeja. As I settled in, I went through my itinerary to see the Local Governments I was to supervise over the next few days. When I was done, myself and Rose took a bicycle ride to get dinner. I can still remembe r vividly how we paddled through the streets of Hadeja at night with the cold wind blowing. The next morning, I rushed out to the first Local Government which was quite easy to find . I supervised the health facilities as required and then went back to Hadeja. The next day, I made it to the second Local Government with ease and journeyed to the first health facility in XYXY community; the houses in XYXY were majorly made of straw. I saw little girls leading herds of cows, while their mothers shied away as they saw us. Did I mention the only way I could get to XYXY community was via a bike? I paid N300 to get to the Local Government itself but paid over N3,000 to get to XYXY and 3 oth...