"Trust Me"...GOD says

On a Friday evening, as I laid down on the bed, I tried using the human calculator called the mind to put one and two together about the future... But as you know the human mind will always be limited to what it can think and see... But our GOD has the full picture; He knows everything, even the part of the puzzle that we are trying so hard to decipher with our small minds. At the end of it all, no matter how hard we try to understand, calculate and fathom the days ahead, we only end up getting ourselves all worked up and sometimes miss out on the special moments in the present. While still trying to imagine what the coming months will be like and all the activities I had to carry out, my friend reached out to me and asked me to help her put on her socks... she just had a surgery and was still trying to adjust. I slid her leg into the socks gently and as I was about to change gears back to my planning and strategizing activity, she said.. Please the blanket too... As I unfolde...