Opening the right pages

I looked at the phone as it kept opening different pages and apps all by itself😲 It wasn’t working as it was meant to But running its own course and doing as it wanted to I kept looking at it And my mind drifted to the fact that I might have acted like the phone was doing with GOD on different occasions We all know GOD already has our lives planned out but sometimes we just prefer to head in the opposite direction I imagined GOD patiently looking at us and saying, “no, not that way my child”💓 And then keeps nudging at our hearts gently until we get the message, pause and then retrace our steps. 2020 has been the most eventful year😩 With so many unprecedented happenings that kept us in constant reminder that we were at the mercy of GOD 2021 will be here in less than 32 days’ time😍 A time out with oneself is needed A time to reflect, strategize and to plan towards the coming year And most importantly, a time to hear from GOD so we won’t be opening pages,...