Easter Greetinz!!!!
As water poured on to the ground tries to find the best pathway through the different layers of soil so as to get to the root of a tree to nourish it, the love of GOD was poured on our hearts. And good news! His love not only seeped through the different layers in our hearts but got to the root of sin and nourished us back to life via his love and this love activated and set to blaze the life of GOD in us. His love passed through the walls of pride and hate as in the case of Paul. It pierced through the glass of misplaced self esteem&timidity as was the case of Timothy. It filtered out the seas of fear, doubts and the sense of unworthiness as was seen in Peter. It dusted out every trace of shame, hurts & pain as seen in the life of the woman with the Alabaster box. It cleared out traces of Ignorance as was the case of the centurion & the Ethiopian Eunuch. It lifted the yoke of ancestral connections. It forced open the gates of the past ...