
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Busy-Me-Syndrome

The Busy-Me-Syndrome!!!   I have been so crazily busy over the past month that at the moment I’m so aching for a vacation *soon I hope*. So many things to do; it takes wisdom to balance it all up.  Thank God for his help though.       You know it’s so easy to get busy doing things that your life just keeps slipping away from your hands without you knowing. You barely remember the time,  the day,  the date, friend’s birthdays and other details, even God and the Bible gets little of your attention. But it’s up to you to get your life back on track or keep a check on how busy you get. No matter how busy you get, you shouldn’t let your life and plans glide off your hands. If you do, you might just awaken to the awareness that you’ve been standing at the same position for months; everything around has changed except you. You discover that friends and loved ones have moved on, new ministers have been appointed in your State, babies have b...