Rest on Tosin & Swachet

Within the space of 2 weeks, two of my dear friends went home to be with the Lord. Both of them were same age and their cause of death was similar. **** *TOL (Thinking out loud) : "A coffin is usually just a coffin when you don't know who is in it. But when a loved one lies inside, it ceases to be just a coffin, it becomes more than that". **** This hit me but I chose not to mourn like the heathens will do. Confident in GOD that I would see them again and acknowledging the fact that there is no failure with or in GOD. I'm eternally grateful our paths crossed I'm thankful for the moments we shared Although it's sad you departed so soon I look back with gratitude for the major and strategic roles you played in my life. **** * TOL: "Everyone GOD has placed in your life is there to fulfill a purpose. They are like bridges that makes it easy to network through life." "They might hurt you, get on your nerves sometimes and be ...