
I can vividly remember my first encounter with #RevEboda. It was a Sunday like every other but after being under his ministration for an hour there about, that day became forever etched in my memory. It was more like an awakening to purpose, destiny and life itself. #WhatILearntThatDay * You are not a mere statistics in demography You are not just part of the world's population or your country's population, you are known and cherished by GOD. You matter!!! * You cannot walk with giants eat what they eat and remain a dwarf...after a while you smell like the company you have choosen to keep. The people you choose to associate with have the power to make or mar you. If you walk with giants and great minds it is impossible for you to remain shallow in your thoughts, your expectations from life and for life. *Your background should not be the reason why your back should be on the ground. Don't let your background serve as a limitation to who you can be, what y...