Every mother is irreplaceable

Mums are just so awesome!
Not only are they awesome
They are totally amazing
They carry us for 9 months, less or more for some people

Afterwards they carry us along to everywhere possible...the kitchen, the toilet..wherever just name it

And when we start to walk, they watch our every move to be sure we are not doing anything mischievous and to ensure our safety

Well...we add some more years and they are still needed to help us make the right choices that will help form our belief system

We add some more years but we still depend on their wisdom to help us make right decisions

Once again we add some more years and some more and some more again but yet....we still can't do without them.

The truth... we never outgrow the need for a mothers unquestionable love, her loving care, her stern correction, her undivided attention and her warm embrace.

Mothers are just so irreplaceable...

Happy Mothers Day to all the mums and mothers to be!



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