
Showing posts from December, 2016

Thank YOU for 2016

For the times of joy, peace and laughter, For the times that I really didn't know what to do,  For the times that you kept pushing me on, For the moments that it seemed you were silent,  For your ever abiding presence, For yours words that kept me on track,  For the silent whispers within my heart,  For the timely interventions, For my Pastors and my mentors, For the family, friends, and loved ones you've blessed me with,  For ACCESS all around, For the blessings that knocked me off my feet, For the blessings that I asked for and received, For the blessings I received and didn't ask for,  For the blessings I'm yet to lay hold of, For GRACE, Favor and Love,  And for being there all through the days of this past year My heart and mouth screams out THANK YOU!!!  There is no way,  I would have made it without you.  Thank you for 2016 #AllTheGloryBelongs2YOU Yspot! 

2016 in Songs

Permit me to say this first "This GOD is too good"!!! (I know you can testify to that) As the year draws to an end, I'm filled with gratitude for all that YOU have done oh Lord because it is certain that I "Never would have made it without YOU" and that is why "I lay to heart to say Thank YOU" because "At the center of it All, it's YOU that I see". Each day of the year 2016 was a confirmation that "YOU are Good and your mercy is forever" and also the year 2016 proved that the "Blessing is on Me". I look back and can't deny the fact that Indeed "I have tasted of your power" and I can say without doubt that "YOU are the GOD that opens every door". .. "Great GOD, good GOD YOU are".... "Thank YOU for being GOD!". I am still expectant because I know that YOU are not done. I am confident that "My latter will be greater than the past" and very certain that ...