That addiction can be broken... Here's my own Testimony

Sometime in 2018... The day began like any normal day, the sun shone brightly as I made my way to National Hospital to keep my hospital appointment. I wasn't prepared for what I heard the doctor say, after I walked into his office and had a seat. "Your left hip is bad and you will be needing a replacement soon". I paused and allowed his words to sink in. When was this all going to end? I was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia when I was 7, and sicklers have a condition known as vascular necrosis; a condition when the head of the femur starts to die and shrink making it difficult to walk, and hard for the hip joint to bare the body weight.... and yes it is as painful as it sounds. Back to my story.... The fact that I needed a hip replacement meant the head of my femur was dead. I suspected because of the level of pains I had been experiencing but I tried to push it aside. But here I sat as the doctor confirmed my worst fears. Yes, a replacement! I mean ...