That addiction can be broken... Here's my own Testimony

Sometime in 2018...

The day began like any normal day, the sun shone brightly as I made my way to National Hospital to keep my hospital appointment. I wasn't prepared for what I heard the doctor say, after I walked into his office and had a seat.

"Your left hip is bad and you will be needing a replacement soon".

I paused and allowed his words to sink in. When was this all going to end?

I was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia when I was 7, and sicklers have a condition known as vascular necrosis; a condition when the head of the femur starts to die and shrink making it difficult to walk, and hard for the hip joint to bare the body weight.... and yes it is as painful as it sounds.

Back to my story....
The fact that I needed a hip replacement meant the head of my femur was dead. I suspected because of the level of pains I had been experiencing but I tried to push it aside. But here I sat as the doctor confirmed my worst fears.

Yes, a replacement!

I mean how was that to happen ? I must say I was worried but looked forward to it because it meant that there was “a solution” to the persistent pain I had been having for years. The doctor explained the procedure, it sounded very basic, “take off and replace”, but what the doctors failed to mention was the whole new degree of pain I would be experiencing.

Prior to that day, along side having to deal with the excruciating pain, was a growing addiction to my pain meds. I know what you must be thinking?

Double trouble... and that is exactly what it was.

I would really love to blame the pain but I know there was a bit of me in there as well. I had moved from depending on my creator to depending on the creators creation. I cannot really explain how I let things go south but it did, and to further show how lost I was, I felt the surgery was the answer to it all, as I mentioned earlier, the hip replacement seemed to be the “solution”, when I was suppose to see GOD as “the solution” because even the surgery could fail.

The addiction...

To help deal with the pain, strong pain meds were prescribed for me, but not long after it was prescribed, the pain worsened and I began to abuse it. I had been on it for quite a while and when things seemed to have taken a new turn, I decided to go for the surgery.

The surgery...

It was scheduled to take place in the early hours of the morning, and while everyone had their concern and worries, I had my fears. I feared the unknown, I knew I had not been living right by GOD and so while I waited to go into the theater, I spoke to my creator about it. Now, from when I was pushed into the theater to when I was taken back into the ward, I can’t exactly tell you the events that transpired, but I can tell you that I experienced a whole new dimension of pain.

It wasn’t long I started to recover and soon I was out of the hospital, and back home trying to recover and walk on my new hip. I must say, the process wasn't an easy one, not as easy as these summarized words written here. Between it all,  there was a lot of pain, tears, fear, finances and an emotional trauma that went along with the recovery but through it all GOD remained faithful. What seemed to be the nice ending to a difficult situation actually marked the beginning of it;

You see, we will never be delivered from situations and conditions when we have a mindset that we can get a solution outside GOD.

Unfortunately, that was the mindset I had and GOD was set to prove that He was the ultimate solution to my struggles.

The surgery didn’t help, my left leg wasn't the same again, I was still in pains and shortly afterwards, I began to abuse my meds again.

The Fracture...
Yes, the fracture; my left leg fractured on it’s own, without a fall or accident. I had to go for another surgery on that same leg just few months after the first.

But GOD was working...
Remember the term I used earlier?
“Take off and replace” while the doctors were replacing the old for the new hip, GOD was doing that with the old and new man. My greatest physician was performing His own surgery. When things begin to go south in your life or seem worse than ever, remember this:

GOD is up to something!

The trick of the devil is to make you feel or believe GOD is not there, when of a truth He is actually closer than you think. I would love to be very detailed as to the encounters I had with Him but I’ll summarize it with these words, GOD SHOWED UP!  Yes, take it from me, HE SHOWED UP as my saviour, deliverer, physician, healer, helper, anchor, bone mender and rehabilitation center. These are only a few...

My turning point...
One afternoon, while seating on the couch, I felt my body getting cold, my spirit was literally leaving my body, and I wasn’t ready to go. Not that I loved life so much that I didn’t want to go, the relieve I was going to get from all the pains was even a reason to want to leave but I wasn’t ready, I didn’t know where I was heading to. I began to plead the blood of Jesus, and of course the accuser of the brethren (satan) voiced out his case. I knew all he had said was true so I continued pleading the blood. As I listened closely to what case Jesus could possibly make for me and that’s when I realized that the blood doesn’t speak verbally! When the blood of Jesus shows up, it silences every other word, case, curse, foundation, oath, covenant, basically anything that arises. The blood of Jesus is light, it doesn’t have a language, it communicates light that darkness cannot comprehend. I listened out but there was nothing, lol it might not make sense but the blood spoke over my life! That was the turning point of my life, I was so grateful for another chance, GOD didn’t let me die an addicted sickler with a fracture. I can just imagine those words being engraved on a But GOD didn't allow that, instead He changed my story; He liberated me from addiction, made my second surgery a swift and successful one and today, I walk with my two legs confidently. I believe He gave me a new hip and I’m walking towards a changed genotype... Glory!!!

If He could do this for me, what can’t He do for you?

I assure you it won’t be easy the devil will come after you if he hasn’t already done that and this isn’t to scare one thing remains, Jesus is with you in the storm, He will never leave you nor forsake you and He will surely show up for you! There’s no solution or victory outside of Him, and nothing and no one can fully satisfy outside of Him.

If you’re currently addicted to something, not just medications, it could be an attitude, a habit, etc. First, I’d like to say your help and chance of breaking free is ONLY in GOD. So turn to Him in total and complete surrender, with no hope for a plan B. Turn to Him because your life depends on Him.

Secondly, stay in the place of prayer, the more you pray the more your chances of breakthrough. Mind you, it won't be easy because it will look like things are getting worse the moment you begin praying but that’s just the lie of the devil. He will try to attack your place of prayer but don’t give in, no matter how many times you fall, keep praying. Prayer enforces the will of GOD and His will is for you to be free.

Third, against all hope, HOPE! Don’t stagger in your faith and don't doubt. He did it for me and He will certainly do it for you. You cannot afford not to believe, why? because GOD can’t do it without your faith; your faith is His access to you.

Fourth, soak yourself in His word, I mean soak yourself; eat, breathe, think His Word. Read and listen to messages (I will strongly recommend messages by Apostle Joshua Selman). By the way, you can’t even do point 3 without the Word because faith only comes by hearing His Word, you need to know your GOD and all that you are in Him. You see the devil will beat you and bury you when you’re ignorant of the truth (GOD's Word). The more you read, listen and meditate on His Word, the more light is being flooded into your body and spirit.

Fifth, plead the blood, engage the mystery of the blood of Jesus. Oh! The blood of Jesus is your deliverance! Nothing can stand against the blood. As I said earlier, the blood of Jesus shows up to silence everything and legal ground speaking against you.

We overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony.

You see, there’s no freedom if you’re not in Christ. If you haven’t given your life to Christ, you can do that now. Just say this prayer; Lord Jesus, I know I’ve wronged You in many ways, I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory, I repent of my sin. I believe that Jesus is the son of God, He died for my sins and rose from death to give me victory. I open my heart and I ask you Lord to come in and make my heart your home. Holy Spirit You’re welcome, come take Your place and fill every part of me, let my life be an experience of who You are, transform me that I be exactly like Christ. In Jesus name, Amen

How am I today? I’m still walking with my helper (the Holy Spirit). He's always with me and when I fall, He picks me right up.

I look forward to sharing more with you, let’s say a prayer..

Lord I pray that for everyone reading this, that you show up for him/her just as you did for me. Let him/her have a special encounter with You in Jesus name, Amen!

Tongret Lot


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