Mercy is all we need

I arrived home and walked into the house. Power was out, and the light from my phone wasn't sufficient, but I managed it and found my way around the house. I quickly fixed something for us to eat before Jane arrived home. She came just in time. I dished the food, and while we waited for it to cool down a bit, Jane had just gotten some new items and decided to do a little fash par...(Fashion Parade). I watched, and we both laughed. *Friendship remains one of the best gifts GOD gave to man. Having a friend who sincerely laughs with you out of a pure heart is something to be grateful for. Back to the story... We decided to eat. Everyone had a spot where we sat to eat. So without looking, I moved down from the bed with my back to hit my spot and as I did, Jane shouted, and I moved back onto the bed and turned round to see what she had seen. I remained still for about 2 minutes speaking under my breathe over and over; "Lord have mercy". Pause.... Mercy is one attribute of GOD ...