What is in you?

Everyone carries a presence What is in you can be discerned when people come in contact with you A running tap will give the type of water flowing through its pipe; clean or dirty A sponge soaked in water, will be full of water and be dripping out water A slice of bread soaked in tea, will give you what? 😂 What you have soaked yourself in, is what you will give out What you exhale reveals what you are inhaling or taking in You have to be loaded, but not just with anything Because you are far too precious What you have soaked yourself in, is what you will give out Some years back, I and few others attended an event at a Baptist Church close to the house In the course of the service, the choir began to sing this song: “Osuba re re o, Oba ta o ri, ta n ri se owo re, osuba re re o” (You a...