What is in you?



Everyone carries a presence

What is in you can be discerned when people come in contact with you

A running tap will give the type of water flowing through its pipe; clean or dirty

A sponge soaked in water, will be full of water and be dripping out water

A slice of bread soaked in tea, will give you what? 😂

What you have soaked yourself in, is what you will give out

What you exhale reveals what you are inhaling or taking in

You have to be loaded, but not just with anything

Because you are far too precious


                            What you have soaked yourself in, is what you will give out

Some years back, I and few others attended an event at a Baptist Church close to the house

In the course of the service, the choir began to sing this song:


“Osuba re re o, Oba ta o ri, ta n ri se owo re, osuba re re o”

(You are worthy oh Lord, Invisible GOD, the miracle worker, You are worthy oh Lord)


I really can’t recall if that was first time I was hearing the song

However, that day, as the words and notes gently danced into my ears

And as my mind interpreted the words

I felt this overwhelming presence settle over me as the words kept playing within me

I knew GOD was real right, but that experience concretized it for me

That was the beginning of my desire to bask and soak in worship 

And  I never leave the same

What you have soaked yourself in, is what will come out. What are taking in?

What worship does to you cannot be explained with words, no... it can't

Spend more time doing what you were created to do

Just bask, forget about the many cares and worries

Stay there like your whole life depends on it

One thing GOD cannot resist is a heart that is yearning for Him


When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.“

Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” Jer 29:13 MSG


Create the time to seat at His feet

Shut out the noise without and within

Draw strength and grace from waiting

To stay true in a world where wrong is fast being accepted as right, you need to bask and soak in His presence and as He said;

I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed




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