Grateful for the year 2022

2022 What a year! I remember heading back home with my Twinnie and her kids after crossover. It had just been declared our year of Fullness 💃 I noted it down and added it to what God has called the year for me; a year of Bumper Shifts . I can’t recall the events that occurred after we got home but I remember waking up with a clear picture and word from God; a travel gift. I smiled and held on to it. Someone may be wondering why a travel gift.. In 2016, I had enjoyed trips to some countries, and I remember on the last trip after arriving home, and trying to get the much needed sleep my body was crying for. I woke up to see someone at the door of the room dressed like a babalawo (a high priest). I struggled to pull myself up ‘cos I was damn tired. I woke my cousin up and she prayed (God bless her heart), and I went back to sleep. I knew I needed to pray some more but I whispered a prayer and gave in to sleep. Yes, God answers our gentle whispers, however, when it’...