Grateful for the year 2022


What a year!

I remember heading back home with my Twinnie and her kids after crossover. It had just been declared our year of Fullness 💃  I noted it down and added it to what God has called the year for me; a year of Bumper Shifts. I can’t recall the events that occurred after we got home but I remember waking up with a clear picture and word from God; a travel gift. I smiled and held on to it.

Someone may be wondering why a travel gift..

In 2016, I had enjoyed trips to some countries, and I remember on the last trip after arriving home, and trying to get the much needed sleep my body was crying for. I woke up to see someone at the door of the room dressed like a babalawo (a high priest). I struggled to pull myself up ‘cos I was damn tired. I woke my cousin up and she prayed (God bless her heart), and I went back to sleep. I knew I needed to pray some more but I whispered a prayer and gave in to sleep.

Yes, God answers our gentle whispers, however, when it’s time for war, He expects the soldier in us to arise and do the needful. After all, He has given us all authority, there is not much He and the angels can do when the soldiers give no commands. They act based on our commands, and nothing happens when no command is given, except mercy speaks.

After this, I realized every opportunity I had to travel out of the country met a strong hinderance. So when I saw what God had planned I knew it wasn’t just about traveling alone but about me being victorious. It was victory time!!! In fact the travel gift came earlier than expected and it was clear God was involved (Read up this previous article: Prayer works! It does…Sometimes, you might not see the answers immediately but be certain that God has heard you.

I have had lots of such encounters. In 2021, I told God I was done if He wasn’t going to end all the many attacks. I took my words back Well, I have a better understanding of how real the spiritual realm is, and how it can impact our lives if we fail to take our stand against the negative influence of the devil. I feel the leading to share this now because I am certain, it will help someone.

Still in the year 2021, I remember asking God to open a door that would lead to many other open doors, the travel gift was the answer to that prayer because after it, a lot opened for me, and I look forward to 2023 as God unveils MORE for you and I.

As you look back, whether He answered those prayers or not, you can’t deny the fact that God showed up in many instances. Be thankful!

For victories, protection, provision, deliverance from accidents, sound mind, good health, liftings, promotion, shepherds, friends, and family, I say “Thank You Jesus”

Cheers to sweeter testimonies in the year 2023.

One Love



  1. Glory to God. 2022 was full of a lot of ups and downs but Thanks be to God who causes us to triumph in all things. I'm super excited about 2023. Happy New Year 💗

    1. Yes Yemmy....we are grateful for the victories. 2023 will be sweet for us by God's grace. Have a great year dear!


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