Go after it

As we drove by the side of the estate, my eyes caught a woman stepping out of her car. She walked towards a small farm beside the estate, you know those tiny portion of land that people manage to dig 3 ridges on, and plant food stuffs, yep that kind of semi-farm.,lol I watched as she went for the cobs of corn on the stalk and yanked some off. My thoughts: - Why na? The person who planted the corn farm must need these corns for survival, whether to plant of to sell and get some money. - See the fine car she dropped from; she could afford to buy a bag of corn, why was she plucking off cobs of corn from the roadside. *** As the car I was in drove on, I turned to watch as she walked back to her car, and that’s when I saw the real reason behind her actions; she was heavily pregnant. I guessed she had a craving she couldn’t resist…smiles A craving can be likened to a powerful desire that needs a corres...