Go after it


As we drove by the side of the estate, my eyes caught a woman stepping out of her car. She walked towards a small farm beside the estate, you know those tiny portion of land that people manage to dig 3 ridges on, and plant food stuffs, yep that kind of semi-farm.,lol I watched as she went for the cobs of corn on the stalk and yanked some off.

My thoughts:

-       Why na? The person who planted the corn farm must need these corns for survival, whether to plant of to sell and get some money.

-       See the fine car she dropped from; she could afford to buy a bag of corn, why was she plucking off cobs of corn from the roadside.


As the car I was in drove on, I turned to watch as she walked back to her car, and that’s when I saw the real reason behind her actions; she was heavily pregnant. I guessed she had a craving she couldn’t resist…smiles

A craving can be likened to a powerful desire that needs a corresponding action.

Desires are things you have seen with the eyes of your mind that are yet to manifest in the physical. To manifest you have to take some necessary steps. 

What are the desires you have written down for the year 2023?  You need to take the actions required to achieve these desires. Like the pregnant women, you have to:

-       ***Locate what you want – Find it! It won’t fall on your laps.

-       ***Step out of your comfort zone – Move! Go for what you want.

-       ***Pluck or claim what you want when you see – Nab it! Don’t let opportunities slip out of your hands cos of procrastination or fear

-      *** Ignore onlookers – Focus! Don’t be distracted, have your eyes on the prize.

-       ***Celebrate your wins – Laud it! Be grateful for every mile stone achieved

I pray you go after your desires this year like the pregnant woman I encountered. Refuse to deterred by circumstances or onlookers like me..lol

Cheers to a success-filled February



  1. I'm going after it for sure. Thanks for the regular motivation dear friend 😊

    1. Beautiful! You are welcome dear friend 😊


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