Stretch, don't get comfortable

We sat down as we reminisced on the things we had achieved so far, it was encouraging to see that the things we had desired over the past few years were eventually coming to be. Mind you, these things did not just happen because we desired them, nope, they happened due to consistency, hard work and of course the backing of Abba. I know sometimes, even after all the consistency and hard work, nothing seems to be happening, don’t give up, keep at it. And even when it seems all is happening as you planned, don’t get too comfortable, and refuse to settle, stretch, do more, and grow. I watched my dad give his best in everything. I remember his consistency at getting to work early and getting things done. He was aimed for the top and he got there. Getting to the place you desire will require more from you ; discipline, hunger to learn and commitment to doing things excellently. There is more to you than this. stretch Have a beaut...