Moments with Grace 5 -Life is like the morning fog

Hello Fam! Congratulations! We are on the verge of entering the 10th month of the year. We express gratitude to God for His unwavering love and faithfulness to us. Now, I'll pass the floor to Grace for the inspiring session titled: "Life is Like the Morning Fog." *** Hello wonderful people! Today, I invite us to reflect on the scripture below, which offers valuable insights on how to navigate our lives on this earth. The truth remains as in seen in James 4:4 that life is transient. Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. James 4:14 -ESV God created us and positioned us on Earth to glorify Him for a limited period. There will come a day when God calls for our earthly existence to end, marking the culmination of this phase of our journey. Yet, this transition opens the door to an eternal communion and everlasting experience with the Lord God Almighty, provided we choose...