
Showing posts from August, 2013

A September 2 Remember

Coming soon………. A September to Remember!!! Watch out for ……hmmm am I supposed to let you in on that right now. Thinking……alright. Watch out for an interview with the brains behind the Chocboy Chocolatey Brand, World Wide Web Worship (W4) and Feyzo! Make up. For worship lovers and leaders and all music lovers in general, you are really going to enjoy meeting Tush, the CEO of W4. For chocolate lovers, you know na...... Chocboy, the CEO of the Chocboy Chocolatey Brand is one person you should meet. In case he let's you in on his recipes. And for all the make-up lovers, make-up artists and aspiring make-up professionals, the upcoming interview with Feyzo, the creative director at Feyzo! make-up, should not pass you by. Also Bee Jaiye,  will be on board to give us some tips on how to spice up our relationships whether single or married.   ......and also on the programme "Beyond Yourself" you'll get to read about people'...

Taking Risks

Taking Risks So many times we shy away from taking risks but the truth remains that the things we fear will happen,  do not  always  happen at the end of the day.  Practically everything we do in life has to do with taking risks. The four lepers outside the city of Samaria took a risk of going to the enemies’ camp rather than staying back at the gates of Samaria and starving to death. That one decision saved the whole of Samaria. Ruth did the same, refusing to stay back in the house and wallow in self-pity. She chose to get a livelihood so she could be of help to her mother in-law and her-self. Leaving her home town to tag along with her mother in-law to hers’ was also a risk in the first place. What if she wasn’t welcomed there? She didn’t mind all that could have happened, she went anyway risking it. Esther wasn’t left out either. She took the risk of going before the king without an invitation from him, defying the laws of the land which ...

Rev Gbeminiyi Eboda at 40

  Revo at 40!!!! Thank you for giving to the Lord Thank you for being a father Thank you for being a mentor Thank you for being a shepherd I thank God for the lives you have touched, the lives you are touching and the lives you will yet touch I thank God you answered the call I thank God you didn’t give up when it didn’t seem like it I wonder where many of us would be today if you had I for one I’m grateful to God that you didn’t because meeting you has done me a whole lot of good I’m a better person today in all aspects I’m better at what I do I’m better at the way I do things Of a truth, I have been raised, empowered and right now, I’m walking and working towards the fulfillment of my God ordained destiny. You are a beautifully constructed house built by God With a perfect architectural design, standing strong and tall A house filled with beauty within and without With its foundation as God A house that’s exalted above others A house t...