Taking Risks

Taking Risks

So many times we shy away from taking risks but the truth remains that the things we fear will happen, do not always happen at the end of the day. Practically everything we do in life has to do with taking risks.

The four lepers outside the city of Samaria took a risk of going to the enemies’ camp rather than staying back at the gates of Samaria and starving to death. That one decision saved the whole of Samaria.

Ruth did the same, refusing to stay back in the house and wallow in self-pity. She chose to get a livelihood so she could be of help to her mother in-law and her-self. Leaving her home town to tag along with her mother in-law to hers’ was also a risk in the first place. What if she wasn’t welcomed there? She didn’t mind all that could have happened, she went anyway risking it.

Esther wasn’t left out either. She took the risk of going before the king without an invitation from him, defying the laws of the land which says anyone who comes before the king without being invited will be killed. Was she killed? No rather her people were saved.

What are you scared of and what’s the level of your risk taking ability? The number of risks you take is directly proportional to the number of successes you achieve. Success is defined as the achievement of something planned or attempted. You can attempt it, it doesn’t matter the number of people attempting it.

Just do it


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