The washing of the chicken

I entered into the house to meet the smiles of Miriam's rival, Lil. Her smiles were so bright and inviting that I almost forgot to hug her mum who had opened the door for me, all because I wanted to go give Lil a big hug. After hugging her mum, I went to Lil, and gave her a big sweet hug. I tickled her so much her laughter filled the air.

We got into the house and we sat by the table as Lil was about to have some chicken. She put it in her mouth and complained the pepper was much. Her mum asked if she should wash the stew off the chicken, but she said no and decided to have coconut candy instead. She munched with smiles while we tried to help her brother prepare for his exams. He said something that made us laugh, I laughed and turned to face Lil, but she wasn't there. 

*Little children can disappear so fast you need to watch them constantly*

I got up and went into her room. As I walked in, I heard water running in the bathroom. I looked in that direction and there she was washing the 2 pieces of chicken her mum gave her diligently with a bathing soap. I paused first before I began to laugh. She gave me the mind-your-business kind of look. I ignored her and took the bathing soap from her hands then reached out to take the chicken also, she released them to me after much thoughts. I cautioned her about what she had done before taking her to her mum. All Lil was trying to do was help wash the chicken and not interrupt her brother's lessons but...she ended up bathing the chicken

It kind of made me wonder at the many times and things I had made a mess of while trying to help GOD. 

Remember the many times, GOD had asked you to wait and you felt time was going or you felt let me help a little and you did but you did it based on your little level of understanding and disrupted His plan. Little wonder why the Bible says "Be still, and know that I am GOD"

Our little minds can hardly fathom GOD's ultimate plans for our lives that sometimes we think we can help out but end up creating a mega mess. But His grace and mercy helps in working them out for our good. Rerouting and aligning us back to His original plan.

Don't try to help GOD. He doesn't need your help, just do the part assigned to you well; Be still, Rest and Wait. It can be hard but when you eventually see what He has planned out, you will be glad you obeyed.



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