Bee Jaiye on yspot!

I Love February, it’s the month Where we give a good definition to Love. Some few weeks back I got talking to some people on a subject that interest me. What color comes to mind, when you think about Love? So I decided to take a survey. Have a feel of my survey.

I got very surprising and funny responses. One person said "money". I didn't know what color that was; maybe green, but I wasn't sure. Two persons said love didn't have any color. Another two said love was the color of the rainbow…hmmmm, nice thought. Of all the people interviewed, only 3 chose red as the color of love; this surprised me, since red is the color associated with Valentines' Day. I guess passion doesn't necessarily mean love.

There was a tie; 4 persons each said white and yellow were the colors of love. well…white or yellow as the color of love…..really. I can understand wanting a pure love (white) or a wise and happy love sha. 5 people choose pink. Pink means beauty, obviously they need beauty in their lives.

Six people said lavender, lilac or violet was the color love; I believe they want some magic and mystery in their love lives. Green was chosen by others; signifying a balanced love and maybe some money too.

The most surprising answer for me was that 14 people picked blue. Well I concluded these people knew that love should be sincere and true. Maybe if you have "the blues", it is because you don't have love. Most Blue music are about lost love. Whatever.... maybe blue is the color of love but I just can't see myself sending a blue heart to my boo this Valentine.

After my survey, I thought and pondered, does Love really have a color. So I went to the best piece about love. I searched through Corinthians 13 and I found all the colors of love. Love is kind, patient, meek, gentle, soft, righteous, peaceful, truthful......

So if I say LOVE and these things don't readily come to mind you may have to change your perspective of it.

Have a lovely weekend.
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