Love Series- Episode II
I believe you all had a great valentine celebration. Well welcome to the 2 nd episode of the love series. It is actually going to be like a talk show, where we will be hearing our guests speak on love and valentine. We aren’t done with our Val celebration here on yspot! So let’s keep the love flowing!!! so let the talk show begin: So our guests are about to take the floor. Join me as I welcome Omonaikee, Bee Mokungah and Tayo Abobarin as they take the stage!!! ************************************************************************************ Wow!!! A special welcome to our guests! We are SO GLAD to have you here today! Kindly give a SHOUT OUT to our audience out there, all tuned in, just to hear you out today. Okay let’s start by listening to tayo-Tayo Abobarin (Brand Consultant) ‘tayo speaking: If you meet her Best Beware She'll steal your heart Unaware Her name is Love This I swear There's none like her Anywhere ...