Val Special- Love Series!!!!!!!!!


So valentine is just a day away! This will be our first Val on yspot, since we started officially sometime in June last year. I must confess I cracked my brain to get what I could do on yspot! to make it a memorable occasion for all. Well my father above and father within gave 3 sweet ideas: Love across naija-cultures, the love& Music, love& money and the love& food thingy and then we have some guests talk to us about love. 

I termed it- The Love Series; Episode 1-3.

Episode 1: Love& Music, Love& Money and the Love& Food
Episode 2: The Talk-show
Episode 3: Love across Naija-cultures

So today it's the episode 1 of the Love series; Love and Music, Love and Money, Love and Food

I rounded up comments about the effects of Music, Money & food on LOVE from my dear friends. Before we hear them out, I really want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who gave their views on the trio - love& Music, love& money and love& food. *** Hugs and kisses***

So here we go:

Biodun Abobarin quoted Rev Eboda: No romance without finance

"Good music makes you feel love, its serenity its tenderness and gentleness. Money, is a fertilizer, it grows real or fake love and makes it more FOOD, ahhhh, men are kings we love delicious food; it makes us promote love, talk it up and pamper love. All four are necessary, kindov intertwined. Come to think of it. But it's like one is left out o....hmmmmmn, what could it be?..hehe" ANONYMOUS

    Bukky Akinwale wrote-Love and music 'Act one scene one, if music is the food of love play it -twelfth night by “Willi`am Shakespere”. Love and music in most cases are inseparable, in the time of old king David sang songs to express his love for his maker, it’s same for this 20th century we also sing to God and our co lovers (spouse, parents, children, friends, creatures etc). Sometimes, thoughts we can’t express in words, music helps to find the proper and appropriate expression and most times the message is passed across. For some of us, music helps us fall in love, helps in reuniting broken relationship, helps express our anger and also helps dissolve anger. Indeed music is the food of love and we should feed it. Now don’t get e wrong we have some music that kills your spirit and feed your lust, it is indeed powerful as love is powerful ‘cos God is love. The Holy book says Saul listened to David play a musical instrument and the evil spirit departed from him. Music and love sometimes don’t agree but most time walk and work together.

   Akwitti-Ohale Atoka wrote: Music actually goes a long way in my relationships especially the one with God. Songs when sang from the heart goes a long way to convey what the singer has in mind. Even when it’s just instrumentals and no words, the listener tends to understand what the singer is trying to say. To me Music SETS THE RIGHT MOOD between the lover and the lovee!
Well money is a defence. Money answereth all calls. When you SAY you love someone there has to be a place of demonstrating or SHOWing that love. That brings us to the place of giving – our time, substance and material things. Even David said I will never give to God what will cost me nothing. When you are in love you show it by buying gifts, booking hotels (for spouses), going to lovely restaurants, etc all involves money! Money should be the undertone and not the main tone in a relationship. It should not be the reason for the relationship but it sure helps in every relationship. To me Money helps to FUEL a relationship. It fans the flames of love!
Food. Now I have to agree with Salvatore on this one. But women like good food too. They love to cook and see their men eat it. Where a man’s treasure is there is his heart. Like they say, the closest way to a man’s heart is his belly. If a man knows that his woman will always cook something special (and not just on special occasions) he will always look forward to coming home. Likewise a woman needs to spend time thinking and calculating on how to make her man happy. Even if it’s not a total change in the food, change the ‘animal’ on it. There are easy and fast sauces these days that you can prepare that will make your man long for more! And when dinner is right and exciting you are sure that the night will be a wonderful one! *wink*. To me Food SUSTAINS the love! Really they are all necessary!

    Lahmeet wroteLove & money: money answereth all things and is the fuel for love. It makes love flow better. No romance without finance. ‎​Love and music: music is a universal language for expressing all sorts of emotions including love. ‎​Love and food: there's something about sharing a meal with someone you love. I guess that’s why we have "love feasts" and dinner dates.

   Anne Yashim wroteMusic expresses the love one feels beyond what words can say, it also adds melody to the expression...Love and money is better explained as love and giving. When you really love someone or something, you easily spend your money on it and beyond that, you can give any other thing besides money for it...hmmmm as for love and food, nothing much, you just need to eat in other to live and then love, you cannot love when you are!

   Dan Adedigba wroteMusic creates the atmosphere for some people especially those who love music. Food makes the mind translate what is sees in terms of the beauty and constituent therein. While money gives the worth of the whole thing-How expensive the food is and how valuable the music device is.

   Tokura williams Aiyejina wrote: They all have strong positive correlation with love. You need music, money and food to express love to a certain extent!

   Hanny Audu wroteMoney answereth to allllllllllllll things including LOVE. From my little experience I can boldly say LOVE cannot survive without money, food and the soothing effect of music and most importantly the fourth thing you left out as comrade Salvatore rightfully noted.  

    Adaeze wrote: I don’t ENTIRELY agree with the fact that music spurs love, largely b’cos music only appeals to those who are musically inclined. Not everyone is musically inclined some people prefer to show love via their poetic writings- just writing their feelings out.  I also think it’s dependent on our love languages, for a guy or lady whose love language is receiving gifts, service or words affirmation, music will not really appeal to them. I’m not totally against it. Just that I’m not of the general opinion that music stimulates love.  I believe music compliments love though.

Love and food, hmmm- I believe in this time and age food isn't a criterion anymore for a man to love or marry a lady cos a man can eat anywhere these days due to the advent of eateries and the hustle and bustle of work-life. I believe there’s no string attached to eating another woman’s food. He can conveniently eat another woman’s food without him falling in love with her. I think it’s only men with traditional mindset in quote that will still want a woman cos she is a good cook.

Love and money #smiles#. It brings out the beauty of love, it makes dreams come alive. However, it doesn't increase nor decrease it, it only enhances and beautifies.
These three to me doesn't make one love his or her partner better. If the love is not there already whether you spend money, cook or listen to music if the person’s heart is not with you it’s just a waste of time. They person might be pretending to love you but can’t pretend forever. These are condiments that make love beautiful, they are not activators of love but are enhancers of love and when properly channeled to meet the love language (Money=gifts, Music=words of affirmation and Food=acts of service) of an individual a difference would be seen.

     Anonymous wroteMoney enhances love itself; you need money to keep it and make it stronger. Money shouldn't be the bed rock. Without money, the love might begin to depreciate.

Give a man good food and he will make promises to you that he himself will wonder why and when he made such promises. A woman who doesn't know how to cook might drive the husband out to look for another alternative, except he is willing to sponsor her to learn.

    Irene wrote: Love and money goes hand in hand. It is possible to have love without money; but it's not as easy to sustain love without money' as Rev Eboda would say; “takes finance to sustain romance”!
You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. And how do you give if you do not have money.

    Ezine wrote: Food has an effect on the love a man has for you. Men and food go hand in hand, food cannot be separated from men, when you have failed to measure to his food taste and preference, his love for you dwindles. It shows you are incapable of meeting his needs.

Money: surebanker oh- money answereth all things. It’s the bone of contention in marriage cos men ego is tied to their ability to provide. If he doesn't provide he feels incapacitated and unfulfilled as he can’t handle his role and the woman feels unloved since he can’t provide.

Music: sometimes-yes and no. Sometimes there is a contrast in the kind of music two people love; the genre but once you are dancing to the same music or tune there’s a connection. A difference brings about a disconnection. But as a woman you can learn his music to bridge the difference but don’t down play yours, find a common ground but still make him feel proud and happy to have you as a partner.

    Ehiz wrote: If he or she doesn't love music, then there is no way it can affect the love between both partners. Well it depends largely on the partner and the kind of music he/she loves.

 As for food, that’s the way to a man’s heart. Once you have his belly, you have his heart, done and dusted. If you can cook as a lady, it’s a plus for you and if you can’t it’s a huge subtraction. Ideally it’s important you know how to cook as a lady ‘cos it will discourage a man’s habit of eating out. My chick is a good example; she’s a great cook *wink*. She made KFC’s kind of chicken for me and I had to conclude that KFC was cheating

Money-No romance without money- na vision you wan take run love? Wetin you wan tell her father, say na vision you go use marry him daughter. Na money you go use buy the wine, buy the engagement ring and every other needed thing. In fact love is money. Money is the thing, find money and love will follow you.
Let me use this illustration to explain. If you have 2 guys who really like you and you tell them you want to make your hair. In reply, first guy; let’s call him Richard says he knows a lady who can make your hair for you for only N500, weave-on inclusive. While the second guy; Charles responds by asking the amount and the location, and he even follows you to the salon and when he sees the hair you would like to make, suggests another which he has seen around and believes will look good on you. After further inquiries you find out what he wants is more expensive, but he still goes ahead and pays. Which of them will leave an impression on you?

   Lanre wrote: The three actually should follow a hierarchy and for me money comes first ‘cos before you start a relationship you need money ‘cos that’s one of the things that fuels of a relationship.

For food the role has to be that of the woman. The woman can use this to keep the man at home or lead him right out of the house elsewhere.

Music- after good food, music comes in. Money and good food prepares the way for music to be felt.

   Bisi wrote- you can't give without loving. Money is part of the raw materials you need when it comes to showing love.

Food is not the basis but it goes a long way particularly for men! To a man, a lady who can cook is of great advantage. It is actually not an ideal factor though, in the sense that if a lady can cook, there is no problem but if she cannot, then wahala dey.

Music and love both have to do with striking a chord in the souls of two persons. So also is music, good music connects further and better the souls of lovers.

   Lawrence Jimoh wrote-Love isn't dependent on music, food and money; hence they've no effect on love. Love can help you appreciate a musical performance: it can give you the sense of gratitude eating any food: it can create the force that attracts the money necessary to fulfill your purpose.

Phil Mokungah wrote: I feel music influences us a lot (at least me), so what we hear can determine a lot about us. Music and Love hence will have quite a relationship in the sense that if you keep listening to the wrong things about Love (especially through music) of course you cannot expect the best out of love (especially with the lyrics of most songs now) because one way or the other, it will come to play in your life. However, listening to the right things can set you on the course to probably the best experience of life...

Love&Food: Well, this is a relationship I may not be able to explain. However, from my very little experience I can say that eating together (somehow that I can't explain) makes your love with your partner stronger. Food has a way of binding people together. Generally speaking doing things together binds you together especially food. There is just something 'extra' about eating from the same 'source'. A partial explanation maybe that it is a loud statement saying ‘you are not ashamed of; and happy to be associated with that person you are eating with (both in secret or in the open).

Love&Money: Now this is a big one. One thing I don't argue about is that if you love someone, your money must show it. Now money is not love, however, I can't agree that you can Love without giving your money. No way!!! The Bible clearly put it best in one of my best scriptures... "Where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be." Like they say, it is possible to give your money without loving, but it is not possible to love without giving your money... My love for  you will definitely show my money to you, but my money to you doesn't necessarily show my love for you...

Bamidele Jide wrote: You can survive without Money but not without love. Money makes love smooth. it's a way to convince a woman you truly love her. Like salt is to food so is money to love.

As for Music, I would say it is dependent on the person and the way he or she sees music.

From the perspective of men, food  sustains a man to love.

Funmi wrote: Good food leads to good skin and good looks which invariably leads to a good presentation and then the right attraction. A person who can cook most definitely can take care of you.

There is a way music helps you to feel, it turns on your emotional faculty, it inflames and ignite your emotional ability. It sets the atmosphere and has a way of bringing back memories.

Ahaaa...Money!like my Pastor will say, i quote "It takes finance to run romance". Money answereth all things. We need to give to show that you love someone. You have to be blindly and constructively generous.

Bukola wrote: No finance no romance on money. Money helps to facilitate when there is love cos we have cases where there is money but no love.

On food, in a scenario where both are extremely busy food shouldn't be a priority for love.

Music is very important, it creates an atmosphere. 

Biodun wrote: Ideally women should look for love first then money comes after. Marrying someone who has a lot of money who doesn't really love you, over time the gap will be felt.

Food-Well, it's good and essential for a lady to know how to cook. No matter how often your partner eats out, there is still the satisfaction that comes from eating under your roof with the one you love. For men, good food gives them the needed strength for.........i'm sure you know!!!.

To me Music, has it's effects but not for all. It's better you know what gingers you, whether music, sweet words or great looks.


Hmmmmmmm- I just took a deep breath.*sigh*

 GREAT COMMENTS I would say. These comments really got me thinking. I loved the statement by Phil Mokungah where he said: ‘My love for you will definitely show my money to you, but my money to you doesn't necessarily show my love for you...’. Deep! Small gossip-his wife is going to be on one of our next out for her. They both have a spectacular way of thinking. Don’t Miss It!!!!! 

Two more episodes left on the valentine series! Stay Tuned


Coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea by 4pm, 17th of Feb! There will be a costume party @ the Alpha cathedral, HCC Ibadan. To attend, only one criterion is needed,you gotta be single! And guess what? It’s FOC. Candies & chocolates popcorn to die for! Sharwama &cupcakes, costume accessories& and costume makeup by house of Tara (Ibadan) for the 1st 20 peeps! & lots more! Don’t miss out!!!!!!

Supported by The ChocBoy Brand, House of Tara (Ibadan),and Bambata footwears &accessories.

To get your tickets: just call fisayo-08038403294, tosin-08079774009


  1. Nice comments all round, honestly didn't read all but read a couple.

    I however beg to differ from one particular opinion that says and I quote "NO FINANCE, NO ROMANCE". I can agree that finance helps you diversify ways of showing your love, but you can't tell me that without money there is no love. That will mean that people that are not financially buoyant are incapable of love/romance, which is evidently not true.

    Majority of times, romance has to do with spending time with the person you love rather than what he/she can give you. No doubt what he/she can give you has its part to play but romance is not entirely that (at least in my own opinion).

    Like my wife says, finance(money) enhances romance(love) but fiance(money) is not romance(love)...

    This is my opinion on that...


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