Love Series- Episode II

I believe you all had a great valentine celebration. Well welcome to the 2nd episode of the love series. It is actually going to be like a talk show, where we will be hearing our guests speak on love and valentine. We aren’t done with our Val celebration here on yspot! So let’s keep the love flowing!!!

so let the talk show begin:

So our guests are about to take the floor. Join me as I welcome Omonaikee, Bee Mokungah and Tayo Abobarin as they take the stage!!!

Wow!!! A special welcome to our guests! We are SO GLAD to have you here today! Kindly give a SHOUT OUT to our audience out there, all tuned in, just to hear you out today.

Okay let’s start by listening to tayo-Tayo Abobarin (Brand   Consultant)

‘tayo speaking:

If you meet her
Best Beware
She'll steal your heart
Her name is Love
This I swear
There's none like her

I entered the word 'love' in the much familiar Google search box and guess how many results I got? About 7,320,000,000 results! Wow! From to multiples of dating websites, online greeting cards, blogs, e-marts, etc. Such a popular word, even though it's pretty much misunderstood by most of us.

Love is... whatever you call it. We all have our own definitions; and despite the inexhaustible number of books, articles, blogposts, products, newsletter available online & offline on this topic, it's still sometimes confusing.

If you ask me, my best definition of 'love' is just one word- GOD! Pretty simple and straight forward, huh? Yeah, I know.

It's the only definition that has never failed me. In Him, through Christ, you can never get it wrong.

-Tayo Abobarin

Aii, time for a commercial break................


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Welcome back!!!

Well it's time to hear from the Ladies....I present to you Bee Mokungah -Beatrice Mokungah (Writer,Poet & a Fashion Designer)


Let’s talk about Love………

This is my favourite word but I realize that overtime it has been misused and abused as well. Love – I guess the most confusing word ever. Valentine’s Day - another confusing word of the day! This confusion is based on the fact that we have different opinions, backgrounds, thought patterns and personalities. 

I did a survey about what some working class men think about Valentine’s day and got both interesting and appalling views- Some said ‘Love is not real and Valentine’s day is overrated, it’s a celebration of red colour, it’s the name of a person- just like Sunday (very funny), it’s a day where you give ladies gifts so that they can give you their bodies, some even said love does not exist! How?……………………..hmmm, if these grown Men can think like this then I wonder what the young ones would be saying (just thinking).

Let’s get one thing straight; in my opinion regardless of what I have seen, heard or experienced from many relationships, Love is TRUE, Love EXISTS! I so love talking about love because it is no longer a fairy tale ‘cos I have experienced and lived it for about 8yrs now. So if it exists…….now what? Love isn’t a Joke, it’s a choice, its hard work (which a lot of people are not willing to do), and it’s not just a phrase but a culture you believe in.

Again, I asked a group of ladies what love means to them and guess what………’s the mills and boons ideas they were all talking about. How long will ladies live in the dream world of TDH (Tall, dark and Handsome)? Men, who just come, sweep them off their feet, continuously kissing and speaking romantic words to them. Oh, how full of ideas we are that we no longer create a life of true and real love for ourselves but live in a world of fantasies.

Hmmmm…………….thinking……..Love!!!  The word that sparks up life, fire and desire in the other. Come…! Don’t mix it up dear; I’m talking about Love between opposite sexes! It is love that causes us to wanna be around each other constantly. Love goes beyond a feeling to being a choice that you have chosen to dwell on and invest in thoroughly. It actually consists partly of a feeling which is the attraction between this boy and girl but please do not forget that Lust is a feeling as well which is an attraction between 2 people based on what the other has to offer which could be sex, money, security and so on and notice all these things are physical and temporary things which can change and lost at any point in time but real love is based on the persons inner man (personality), character and acceptance of the persons odds no matter what.

Wait……You will know true love in your heart when you see it, it’s never hidden and the pseudo (look-alike) is always obvious. Remember Love is a risk but the risk is always worth it!

So?……….I took all these time to arrive at this special day….Valentine’s day –the day a crusader of Love, Saint Valentine was killed because he believed in true Love which led him to marrying couples secretly. People who he felt were deeply and truly connected……..Oh! How Noble!

But remember, where the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. With the misconception on love and Valentine’s Day which I stated earlier, it’s evident that we don’t celebrate the right thing or even if we do, we do it the wrong way.  Valentine’s Day is a day when we celebrate and promote love; not forgetting we ought to do this every day but this can be a special day! In the midst of your busy schedule, create a time for a romantic moment, a beautiful dinner, a great time to say I love you, a time to ask about all the amends and change that could be made to make the relationship work, a day to share lovely gifts with each other, a day to show the person from the depth of your heart that you are truly in love…….Hey, come on…….if you can celebrate your so called celebs, the people around you, a promotion, a birthday, a beautiful moment…….why can’t you celebrate that one person that keeps your heart soaring, the Angel that loves you in spite of you, the Angel who is consistently there when its good or bad………I will celebrate the Love of my life on this special day, how about You?
Bee Mokungah

Up next is Omonaikee-Omonike Odi (A media personality and a free lancewriter)


The other side of valentine
This year, I dedicate my valentine’s piece not to the market segment that February 14th has become branded and commercialized for, but to the lovers it ignores.
To the lovers who got stuck on the way and unable to figure it out, gave up and parted ways.
To the hearts stuck in reverse praying a lost love back home.
To the newcomer who has found himself in a virgin place of vulnerability.
To the fearful, afraid to take the plunge.
To the unprepared shocked that so hard a thing as love would be demanded of them.
To the one who has been there and done that, and has now taken form in a cold heart banging the door firmly and finally on love.

No I do not ignore the lover who is folded in a nurturing embrace where she has found her heart’s resting place, for I completely understand her. I know her joy, I muse at her abandon, I understand her smile and I recognize her rich laughter, no I don’t ignore her, not at all! Yes, I see her and the world sees her.

But what about the one who hides what lies beneath, what must not be known, what must not be seen? The one who scolds her desire like it’s a bastard child, turning her face adamantly away from it as though she was raped by love and now she hates its child- this bundle of weakening emotions that remind her of hungry thrusts that took and took and took.

I am writing for the disappointed who thought that love will be the missing link that makes life complete.
I am writing for the true lover who came to love on a level ground and gave it 100% but found something else. Although it was called love, it manifested itself as selfish and one- sided.
I am writing for the soul like a bruised reed bent in the wind, praying her broken heart won’t break.
No I do not ignore the lover who is secure in a love that understands, that accommodates, and does her no wrong.

But what about the one who found herself ravaged like a house without gates. The one attacked by enemy forces banging against her walls of defense. With one last heave they reach her deepest, and all she hears is the eerie harmony of voices; his pitch with stolen pleasure, hers only cry, tears a last defense.

This season, I write acknowledging the women on both sides of the valentine dream.

For the woman experiencing the phantom and the woman experiencing the fantasy of valentine. For the woman ensconced and the woman scorned. For the woman fallen in love and the woman fallen out of love.

At the end of the day, it is not about how we have been loved but about how we have loved – wrongly or rightly; poorly or richly; sparingly or generously.

For all the lovers out there, I do hope you had a lovely Valentine ’s Day!


Thanks to ty, b3s and omonaikee for honoring our invitation. So looking forward to having you guys here again. ***hugs&kisses*

Watch out for episode III-Love across naija!!!

Mean while Happy birthday to Bee Mokungah!!!


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