For Nigerian and Intercontinental Delicacies on Yspot today we have LYDIA ALUMA


Kuka is the Hausa name for Boabab. The Boabab tree is commonly found in the northern part of Nigeria and in countries like Saudi Arabia and Australia. Baobab leaves fresh or dried are used in soup preparation. They are known to be rich in calcium and protein. They as well have antioxidant properties.
Miyan kuka is a traditional Nigerian recipe for a classic soup of beef and dried fish in an onion and chilli base flavoured with Maggi cubes, dawadawa (this is the fermented dried seeds of the African locust bean Parkia biglobosa pressed into a ball or a cake) and thickened with dried baobab leaves.

Tuwo shinkafa is a hausa term for soft boiled rice. Tuwo Shinkafa is a hausa Meal made of ground rice.  It is eaten with a soup of your choice. It is quite lovely to taste and high in calories, especially carbohydrates.
1 cup of tuwo shinkafa contains 769 calories!!!!! Great news for those who would love to fatten up.

MIYAN KUKA (Soup from Baobab leaves)
Basic Recipe- Serving two.

1/2 Kg beef
1 small size dried fish
1 Dadawa (locust beans)
2 seasoning cubes
2 medium size peppers
1 large size onions
1 litre water
1 cooking spoon palm oil
Salt to taste.

1.     Wash and cut meat. Put into cold water, add seasoning cubes, onions and salt. Bring gradually to the boil; continue cooking by reducing the heat and allowing it to simmer.

2.    Heat palm oil and add the meat stock, add grounded pepper, ginger and dadawa.

3.    Wash the dried fish with warm water and flake. Add into the stock and allow simmering.

4.    Remove stock from fire; allow cooling for five minutes and whisking the dried kuka powder into it thoroughly.

5.    Return soup to fire and allow cooking for five minutes.

6.    Serve hot.


1 Cup Rice Grit
1Liter of water

1.     Wash the rice and soak for about 30 minutes prior to boiling. This is to make the rice softer for easy cooking.

2.    Put the grounded rice into boiling water and allow cooking.

3.    Ensure the water is drained.

4.    Mash the rice and mix with a wooden turner until smooth.

5.    Mould into balls.

6.    Serve hot.

Try this recipe. Build your body, mop up those free radicals, develop strong bones and teeth and have a well-functioning nervous system.

Lydia Aluma 


  1. I have found a quick way to adding some flesh.

  2. Wow! I'm just seeing this. I hope it's not too late. You can send it to
    Thank you.

  3. Pls allow me to contribute with my own version of the true miyan kuka recipe from the north. Thank you


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