It has to be from GOD

If it is not in Your presence

If it is not by Your hand

If it is not by Your Spirit

Don’t let me have it


You hear some songs and they just never leave your spirit man alone. You find yourself singing and humming such songs without control. That is exactly what the song above by #FrekeUmoh did to me. Such simple lyrics filled with utmost power

The truth will always be the truth 
Whether we choose to accept it or not

Only ideas and vision gotten from His presence 
Out live us

Whatever we did not get from GOD will not last 
No matter how hard we struggled to achieve it

If it did not come from His hands 
Then it will most definitely slip from off our hands

If it did not come by His Spirit 
It can never be sustained by His Spirit

What GOD gives the world cannot take it away 
Because the world didn't give it to you

Wait only on GOD to get your needs and desires met 
Don't run ahead of Him, His timing is just perfect

Don't enter into any partnership without first consulting with YAWEH

A fish cannot survive outside water 
To function properly as GODs child here on earth 
Dwell in Him, bask in His love and feed on His Word 
His presence should be your habitation

All you are, have and will ever be must be through Him
Outside of Him, nothing lasts



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