Don't stop praying

The devil will come with his lies
He will ask questions like 

-Does He still answer? 
-For how long will you keep praying?

You've got to shut the devil up or else he will fill your head with constructive reasons that will clog your mind with doubts 

Rebecca prayed for a child
It didn't happen immediately but it did eventually and GOD gave her Benjamin and Joseph. 

Joseph saw what the future held for him
He was destined for greatness 
He was destined for the palace
But it didn't play out like we would have humanly expected 
He first went by the Pit 
Then to being a House Keeper (A promotion I would say, from the pit to House
Next stop was the Prison
Then the Palace

Joseph experienced situations that didn't seem like it and could have made him wonder if GOD was involved in his life but that didn't stop him, neither did it affect his demeanor
He knew he was headed somewhere

Even when it doesn't seem like it
Stay focused and keep praying
Because you are also headed somewhere 

GOD answers at the right time. The timing may not seem like what you desire but keep at it and don't let your joy be affected
Keep laughing 
Keep praising 
Cos when the answer finally shows up.... 

-No matter how hard you try to hide it like Moses was hidden in a basket, it will be an evidence that can't be ignored

- It will be like Samuel, ready to fulfil GOD's intent 

- And like Esther, it will birth a change for such a time as NOW

-It will make you wonder and ponder like Mary did as she watched Jesus grow 

....Be calm,  the answer will come and it will blow your mind. 



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