Fight! Soldier fight

Immediately you said the Believer's confession to accept Christ, you enlisted for war 😶.

What does that mean?

It means like a soldier, 

- GOD expects you to train, to build yourself and make him proud by putting the enemy in his place here on earth. 

- He expects you to wage war until you have possessed all His promises and inheritances to you.

- You are assigned to guard territories, direct and protect citizens; meaning there are lives assigned to your territory for direction and protection and you cannot afford to fail them and GOD.

- You have become a target and have been declared wanted. This is the major reason why after jumping one hurdle, you see one right ahead. The plan is to weaken your resolve, so you become an easy prey. No matter what he does, let your resolve be a shocker to the enemy. 

- You have to live life prepared for whatever new trick or stunt the enemy might pull.

- You have to be alert and sensitive. The enemy can come as an undercover agent, find his or her way deep into your inner circle if unnoticed and can wreck havoc.

- He doesn't expect you to be sulking when the enemy hits. When the enemy hits, soldiers arise to respond or look for the loopholes or errors that made them an easy target for the enemy. Then they re-strategize and go after the enemy. Sulking doesn't help, you need to fight till you WIN. 

No matter what, we keep moving.

However, it doesn't mean that there won't be times of peace and fun. David enjoyed rest after fighting so many wars. You will agree with me that soldiers are hardly the dullest set of people on earth, they know how to have fun. There is usually a time of peace and rest. But even in resting, we stay alert 👀.

I am not here to scare you but rather to remind you that GOD expects so much from you and I. One hit from the enemy should not keep us down or make us angry at the King for letting it happen in the first place. But rather, we rise and keep rising because we know GOD has given us ALL authority, power and all that we need to stand strong and live above the wiles of the enemy. The Father, your Father and our Father wants us to take our place, no matter how many times we are hit in our academics, our finances, our marriages or on our job. HE wants us to stand with our heads held up high as warriors that we are; un-shakeable, un-stoppable and un-defeatable. 

You are more than a conqueror 💪

               No matter what, keep moving because GOD promises to be with you through it all 😎

 Fight! Soldier fight until the crown is yours!



  1. Yes, we will keep fighting. The war is real but one thing is sure.... the victory is ours.

  2. The amazing thing is that we fight from victory and as such defeat Is not any way ours. yspot.

    1. I love that part...we are fighting from the stand point of victory and know that we have won already.

  3. Important piece, one thing we must realise is that most of this battle is fought in the mind ,so we must keep ou3 mind with all deligence

    1. Very true! The battle filed should be guarded jealously so the enemy doesn't have access to plant landmines.

  4. Very encouraging.God bless you sis


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