Let nothing shake your faith


The month of May went by so fast, but I have so much to be thankful 

I look back, and I have to say GOD was truly faithful

Today, I will be sharing the story behind the picture above;

 April 7th 2017

I was packing and getting ready to travel for my brother’s wedding. As I quietly shuffled things here and there trying to make room for more items to go into the bag, I heard God say “Let nothing shake your faith”. I tried to make sense of it, but I couldn’t. I kept wondering what was about to happen that might likely to shake my faith. The next few days made it clear, and the early warning was what I held on to as the days and months passed by.


-God still speaks!

-As our earthly fathers will go to any extent to warn and protect us, God does the same

April 10th 2017

We all arrived to our respective destinations and work resumed. Daddy was not feeling so good, and we were glad he arrived home to be treated. I still had those words ringing in my head, so I decided to create a design and post. I was still exhausted from the journey and decided to leave the office early so I could head home to rest a bit. On my way, God was at it again…😂 I hope to share the conversations that ensued one day soon. I hit the bed immediately I got home after checking on dad. Hours later, I got a call from Mummy D, and I quickly sat up, and she asked me to pray. I reached out to 2 persons immediately to join me to pray.


- Have people in your life that you can turn to when you need support and inner strength. The battle can be fierce sometimes (I can testify to this), and you will need others to lift you up. Never resist the need to cry for help when you sense something is off.

There is power released when we agree together in faith

I called back again but daddy had gone. I asked to speak to my mum, but no words came out of my mouth, my tears did the speaking. The months that followed felt like I was gliding through earth but the Words I heard God say was what I held on to during that phase.

It’s been 5 years since dad left for home, I am glad he didn’t leave earlier as was his desire💚

I shared this to emphasize how one Word from God can protect your heart, save you from impending danger, change your life, stand you out or solve a long standing issue💪

I pray our antennas are quick to pick what Abba says to us and we receive the grace to obey🙏

We stay sensitive💣



  1. God bless you for this piece...

  2. Continue to rest in peace baba ola

  3. He still speaks if only the storms around will let us hear. Rest on baba Ola.

    1. Hmmm, we receive the grace to be still even when the storms seem to be raging.

  4. Yes, He still speaks!
    Our prayer should be like Samuel's
    "Speak Lord, thy servant is listening"
    But are we truly listening?

    Rest on baba Ola.

  5. Very encouraging in piece.Thank you Tee. Continue to rest with the Lord Daddy..


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