Adira- Chapter 2


Hello Fam!

I hope we are all good? How was October?

Today, I will be sharing the 2nd chapter of the book of Adira for your review and comments. I am hoping that as you read and drop your comments.


Chapter 2 - 

After Dr. Noe left our home, myself and Red walked towards the tree house my dad had built for me. I climbed up and peeped through the window to see if Athira was seated with her sister Fina at their usual spot beside their mom's kitchen. I smiled happily when I spotted them. I lifted the lid of the window, pushed it up and screamed excitedly, "Athira, Fina." 

They both looked up excitedly. While Athira quickly made her way through the bushels separating our homes, she patted Red on her way up to the tree house. Athira was the only friend I had. We talked, played, laughed together, and fought sometimes. Our meanest fight was when Dinah, the daughter of the village chief, wanted to steal Athira away from me. Our mothers had to resolve the fight for us. I couldn't hold back the laughter at the memories. 

"Why are you laughing?" Athira asked, 

"I recall something." I answered her

, "What?" 

"Our recent fight," 

She burst into laughter, "I am glad we are still friends." Then she lifted her hand towards me and said, "Friends forever." 

"Yes, friends forever," I replied, as I gently hit her palm. Just then, her mum called out her name. She wanted Athira to quickly run an errand for her. We quickly came down from the tree house and ran to deliver the item to Athira’s uncle. The journey into town was quite a distance, but neither of us was bothered. We laughed and played as we went, and Red tagged along. We came back when the sun had gone down. I quickly ran into the house, peeped into mum’s room, she was fast asleep. I climbed the stairs joyfully as I made for my room. As I made my way to the bathroom to shower, I heard Red barking. I looked through the window and I could see it pacing back and forth near the poultry. I opened the window and spoke to it to keep quiet. It did. But immediately after I closed the window, it continued. I quickly put on my slippers and ran down the stairs to see what was wrong. I picked up the lamp on my way and walked to the poultry. The door was slightly open and the chickens were shouting and flying around. I peeped and gently pushed the door open to see if I could find any of the workers inside. There was no one inside, so I walked in, taking one step at a time. Just then I saw a movement to my left, beside the chicken transport crate. I turned to run but my leg got stuck between the water troughs. As I tried to pull my leg out, I slipped, but before I could hit the ground, a hand supported me. I screamed out uncontrollably.

"It is me, Adira," my dad said.

I turned around and hugged him tightly, and then we both began laughing.

"I heard Red barking on my way into the house.”I decided to check what was happening before coming in to see you and your mum," Dad said amidst laughter.

The chickens were usually fed before the workers left, so I was sure they were not hungry. So I asked my dad if he noticed anything odd. He mentioned he had seen drops of blood just in front of the poultry. He thought it must be from one of the workers and he hoped the person was okay.

"Wu wuwu." Red was at it again.

My dad and I stepped out to find her. Dad lifted the lamp to see where it was. We could see her beside the well. While dad locked the doors to the poultry, I walked towards Red to see why and what it was barking at. As I got close to it, I stopped in shock as I saw why Red was barking. Dad caught up with me and also stopped, and we both looked at each other in amazement. On the floor beside the well, lay a white man.

"Mum was right," I whispered to myself so softly.

I hope you had a good read.

Here is wishing you a wonderful month ahead. Remember, God’s promises will always come to pass. I pray that all He has shown you in secret will come to manifestation in the days ahead.



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