
Hey Fam,


I hope June turned out way better than you imagined or planned. For me, June went by so fast, but each day was a blessing!


I heard the best news from a friend recently. I was so excited because prior to that I was led to do something based on the promptings I had in my spirit. Let me share the story:


Earlier in the year, while at the office, my phone vibrated, and I looked to see who was calling; it was Lilian (not her real name). It had been a while since I had heard from her, so I picked up my phone and answered excitedly. We talked and laughed, and then she mentioned the main reason why she was calling: she wanted bush meat from Zaria.


Ha, the bells began clashing in my My very thoughts were that this craving wasn’t ordinary. Oti sele (It has happened)…But I said nothing and continued the conversation. Bush meat ke??? I told her I wasn’t sure I could get it for her.


Fortunately, a few hours later, my colleague was heading to the spot where the best bush meats were sold, and voila, I got the bush meat she wanted and sent it to her.



Fast forward to four months later, I got a message saying my friend had put to bed. I laughed and laughed. I told her I sensed the craving for bush meats from that spot wasn’t an ordinary craving. I was so excited for her because she had been waiting and trusting for years, and God did it! 💃


As we cross over to the next half of 2024, I declare daily good news for you and yours. Watch for those cravings (ideas that won’t let you rest)…..may these cravings lead to the birthing of mind-blowing blessings and miracles💃

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4


And as we delight ourselves in the Lord, may every heart's desire be granted in this next half of 2024🙏






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