Kindness matters

As I made my way to the office this morning, there was slight hold up on the way and the gentleman that drove was awesomely harsh...not that he was driving roughly but he just did not allow or permit other drivers to veer into his lane, no matter how much they pleaded. He was practically manoeuvring and pushing aside those who stubbornly tried to force their way in. As I watched him do that to several cars, the only thought that came to mind was “I pray this man will not need help ahead”. ‘Cos I imagined if the lane we were on got stuck and he had to plead to move into another lane; will anyone be willing to help? What if, coincidentally, the car on the next lane happened to belong to one of the men he refused to then will he understand the gravity of his actions and grasp the saying that "first to do, no dey pain, na second to do dey pain"....shines teeth. 

Lessons Learnt:
*Life is to be lived with wisdom and caution because only GOD knows tomorrow; no one else does. Therefore there is a need to treat others with respect.

*When GOD puts you in a position to help others, do it gladly; you might need their help one day too.

*The fact that we don’t have a full grasp of the WAYS OF GOD and THE PEOPLE He has positioned to help us achieve our purpose on earth, should make us treat everyone with honour and to sow seeds of kindness in the lives of the people we meet daily.

****Let me break down two things in the above paragraph

*The Ways of GOD
His ways cannot be easily decoded except when He reveals it to you. There are situations when you think you know how GOD will do what you expect but He just ends up bamboozling you. 

I have learned over time that GOD has many channels which He can use to answer your prayers and desires. So, no matter what situation you are in, even if it seems  every door you have knocked on still looks shut, get excited in your spirit man because GOD has limitless ways of solving that situation. When Christ had to pay tax to the roman government, he got the coin from the mouth of a fish. Let faith be stirred up because GOD can; and not only can He do what you desire, but He is so good at exceeding expectations. Focus on Him alone.

* THE PEOPLE He has positioned to help

You can never tell who a person is entirely. My Pastor Rev. Eboda always says; Life is in phases. Every man is a work in progress and one day you will be amazed at how beautiful their lives turn out to be. Just like the larva of a butterfly (The caterpillar); people go through seasons when they don’t look like what you expect. Try not to treat people based on the phase at which they currently are ‘cos they won’t remain there, change is constant. Treat people like royalty even when they don't look like it.

The way we see and treat people matter a lot. The person you treat wrongly today might have been positioned to help you or your child in the future. GOD can use anyone to help you tomorrow, so treat everyone respectfully today. One good turn deserves another. Those you help today might be there to help you tomorrow. The seed you sow might not necessarily come back to you through the same person but it will definitely come back to you because what a man sows, he reaps.

So, all this long is just to say: Be kind and treat people with respect. I can hear someone say, "What if they don't deserve it?

Pause: Imagine GOD holding back all His goodness from us cos of our errors, mistakes or sins. If GOD was to deal with us based on what we truly deserve, I wonder what our lives will be like. Thank GOD for His mercy!!!

Irrespective of who it is or what they have done in the past or what they might do in the them some love.

Does anyone remembers the song by Song by Mary McKee and The Genesis?

“You've got to try a little kindness, 
just show a little kindness
Shine your light for everyone to see
And if you try a little kindness 
you'll overlook the blindness
Of the narrow-minded people 
on the narrow-minded streets”

Kindness matters *wink*



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