Inspirational Matters with Yspot!- No sun, No life

Hi peeps, I was very busy but work has reduced for now. I missed blogging for the past 2 weeks but I missed you guys most. Well today its inspirational matters with Yspot herself. This week promises to be exciting, you shouldn't miss it. We will bring great articles your way, stay tuned guys.


Basking is an act usually carried out by reptiles. I have watched lizards; crocodiles and some other reptiles bask in the sun. I’m sure you have seen them also. Basking is the process of lying under the sun. Normally reptiles resort to basking. The same is observed in insects. What could be the possible benefits of basking?

Cold blooded creatures such as reptiles (crocodiles, lizards, snakes and tortoises), insects, arachnids, fishes cannot produce their own energy and rely on the other heat sources to keep them warm. This is the reason why they appear to be lazy in winter and rainy season where the sun does not give them enough warmth. Therefore whenever, time permits, the reptiles are found to be basking under the sun and when they feel that their batteries are charged enough for smooth functioning, they move on to the shade. They operate like solar panels with batteries. For them it's no sun-energy, no life.


The flip-side to this is that they cannot be basking all the time. Overheating would cause them dehydration and other problems such as hyperthermia (excessive body temperature) which will affect their internal organs. If not warm enough they would freeze due to hypothermia (lower temperature) and they will not eat, because they do not have enough energy to digest. Therefore, when their body is about to hit the optimal temperature, the reptiles move on to the shady or semi-shady places. Even human skin needs some solar exposure for producing the much needed Vitamin D.

What am I trying to say? These creatures know and understand the ultimate source of their energy and constantly run to it- the sun to draw as much heat as they can whenever they are running low on energy; you can actually notice a glow from their skin while basking in the sun. For us as Christians our source of energy/ spiritual power is God, you can bet, there’s no physical energy once you are spiritually dry, for the physical realm is dependent on the spiritual.

Truth be said, basking in Gods presence is a necessity for every child of GOD. It actually shows when a person has made the presence of the Lord his dwelling place. Unlike the reptiles we can never get too much of God, there’s nothing like dehydration for us when we over dwell, in fact there is nothing like over dwelling, for us dwelling in the presence of GOD for ever is what we long for.

The reptiles go only when they notice they are running out of energy, for us it should a life style to bask in our father’s presence and draw continuously and constantly from our only and never-failing source of strength. It’s not just a Sunday-Sunday thing, it’s should be for us an every-second thing.

Get lost in his presence this week again-keep basking and you will keep on glittering and running things here on earth.



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