Nii is a great man

*Nii's Story*
As I made my way to my room that evening, I ran into Nii and his friends; Nana and Rex. I could tell he had cerebral palsy but there was just something different about him; he was full of life and so confident. From Day 1 to the last day at ASCON, Nii was an inspiration. 

His story will inspire you but before we get to his story, let's hear what some of his friends have to say about him. 

Nii is someone who inspires me when ever I'm with him. He doesn't look at himself and get discouraged. He does everything as a full and able person. He is a very intelligent and hard-working guy, and although he can be quick tempered, he is quick to reconcile whenever he offends you.
-Rex from Ghana

What I admire about Nii, is His confidence and witty replies.
-Udochi from Nigeria

Huhhh Nii Nii Nii....The fact that just one person can be an IT guru and start an organization despite his condition is a major inspiration. One thing I realized at ASCON was that he was always loud just to pick himself out of his situation. Nii is himself despite the stigma and currently, watching him become the voice for all the cerebral palsy victims is amazing.
-Stennie from Ghana

Nii is someone who loves fun and makes people laugh. He loves to interact with people from diverse background. Despite his condition, he doesn't see it as being backward in the society but rather as a way of moving forward by all means just like any any normal human being. Nii believes as long he has life in him, no matter the condition he can do what any normal person can.
-Des from Liberia

Nii is resilient...
-Kross from Cameroon

First time I saw Nii, I was surprised to see him in the gathering of intimidating youths and great minds at the YALI training. There I was pitying him but I was soon to be shocked.  Fast forward to the first time I heard him introduce himself. I was challenged by the way he defined his purpose and drive. It turned out Nii could do what any human could do and even better. In no time he became everyone's darling and encouragement. His sense of humour is totally XT and let me add that Nii is 
Glad I met him
-Adeyinka from Nigeria

Meeting Nii was an amazing experience for me. What really inspired me about Nii was his enthusiasm; especially during the football match we had at Phase 2 of ASCON. Honestly, seeing him on that football pitch that day was a surprise to me and I thought he would only play for few minutes, but he played for over 45minutes running the length of that field like a professional sportsman. He taught me a lesson of how our conditions do not really limit what we are capable and willing to do as long as we are determined and believe in ourselves. Naii is a great guy full of humour.
-Augustine from Sierra Leone

Prior to going to inYALI, I decided to have fun and take the opportunity to be inspired and learn from others. I have met many people in life that inspired me, but meeting Nii with such condition and being differently able took me to another level. The first thing I noticed about him was the fact that he was not afraid to be totally authentic, which inspired me. I saw that immense courage in him and standing for what he believes in drew my attention to him and we got so close (as husband and wife). Out of 125 African youths at YALI,  Nii made me famous and appreciated among all. Nii taught me a lesson that regardless of our condition, we have the power and energy in us to move mountains, we have the ability to do whatever we want in life. Nii despite his condition was unstoppable for being himself, having fun and being that troublesome guy in ASCON, but most importantly making an impact.

-Soon from The Gambia

Niiii-the rare & unusual prodigy.
The first time I met him was @ASCON during the YALI program. I was amazed...lots of stories here but I can't tell all because of lines constraint 😭😭
Nii is an extraordinary dude with a divine courage. He's ambitious and self-driven. He sees no limitations in himself and thus strives to achieve his dreams. He's a high flyer, amiable, witty(can be very naughty 😂😂).
In sum, Nii is blessed beyond measure.
- Busayo from Nigeria

Nii is hard working, adventurous and fun to be with.
-Nana from Ghana

Nii is quite an interesting fellow. What inspires me the most about him is that he hasn't allowed his disability define the rest of his life. Despite the discrimination, he has been able to look at the bright side of life. Nii motivates himself with these words "everyone on the planet has got some form of disability, so I am not an exception". This powerful quote of his showed me how to face my fears of performance and taught me never to limit my ability. Nii's story is a proof that choosing not to give up is a choice we all have.

-James Akiroso Fredrick from Nigeria 

Nii is a young, vibrant and an intelligent leader. He is creative, hard working, an innovative thinker and a wonderful team player. Even though Nii has Cerebral palsy, it doesn't deter him from team work. He has a strong affinity with everyone and is everyone's personal person. Whenever I see him, I get inspired to do more and more. The future ahead would be brighter and brighter for Nii Anyetei. I love Nii, he's fun to be with and can crack ya ribs for Africa.
-Gifty from Nigeria

What I like about Nii is his determination and zeal. Nii always brings joy and happiness wherever he goes. I am Proud of you Nii. 
Jean from Ivory Coast 

Now you can read about Nii yourself...

The beginning...

My name is Nii Anyetei Akogyeram. I am a Ghanaian; I live in Accra with my parents and my big lovely sister, Angela.  When I was born, I was diagnosed with jaundice which later developed into Cerebral Palsy. My mum told me I was one of the few that survived in that hospital ward. I was specially taken care of by the Best Renowned Pediatrician of those days Late Dr. Anoff, who nicknamed me Professor. I did my speech therapy with him and thanks to him, now I can talk like a parrot *wink*

Nursery education...

I did my Nursery and KG school at Super Day. I was one of the best in Academics, even though they called me names like Saliva boy, snake, worms and other weird names which made me very furious buh I kept my cool and finally graduated to Mother Care School and not Morning Star School the school most people wanted to attend because it was the best school in Ghana back then.

Primary education...

In Primary school, I had enough love and care from my teachers and classmates even though other kids in the school were scared of me because I had Cerebral Palsy. I did my best even though I had to repeat my class 5. I left Mother Care in Class 6 and went to Air-force Basic School, one of the best schools in Burma Camp. In Air force I had so much fun; I was treated like a normal human being. I learnt so many things, Derrick Boateng who is now a renowned Doctor in Russia taught me how to write so beautifully. 

Secondary school...

When I became a senior, I was appointed a General Overseer of the school. When, I writing my BECE, the teacher had to request for extra time, so I could finish all my papers. I passed buh didn't get the school of my choice, so I ended up going to my 3rd choice school, Armed forces Senior high school. There, I offered General Arts. I failed my final papers 3 years later and had to stay at home for 4 years.

How my love for IT began...

My dad took me to a Computer institute in Labone. I became the best student in class and assisted the lecturer in teaching the other students in class. I passed my final paper and the following year I began working as a controller at Kenthouse Security Company and I was later moved to administration.

Alongside my job, I started school at IPMC  where I studied  Software Engineering and Programming buh I couldn't cope with both work and school, so I had to resign from work. At school, I had lovely teachers like Nii Ayikwei, Buti Kwame, Dominic Kwabena, Sarfo Mensah and Donald. I finally passed with good grades. So thats how my Educational life has been like.. Pass Pass Fail Pass

My social life...

I have had the chance of meeting special people like Cece Abotsi and the rest, they know themselves lol.
I will tell you the truth, I am loved by everyone close to me because of the outstanding things I do. I play football, basketball and swim also. I go camping and do unimaginable stuffs. So I only get stigmatized by those who don't know me. By the way, Im a Seventh day Adventist Christian...

I and my friend make slippers and do some other plastic stuff; to take out the plastic waste from our system.

Finally, I am an advocate of Cerebral Palsy because people with Cerebral Palsy are stigmatized. So I came up with this campaign to reduce and if possible end stigmatization in the world. So join me and support the Cerebral Palsy Awareness!

Thanks for reading my story.

Thanks for reading Nii's story... I truly hope you were inspired. 



  1. Anuoluwapo Abigail Akala3 August 2018 at 20:00

    Nii is awesome. The few times I spent with him made me see that there is greatness in everyone. Keep soaring Nii.

  2. Nii is an amazing African bro. He is fun to be with and has great sense of humor. When I first saw him, I felt for him. But alas!!! Dude is a great man that can do all things that any able man can do. Charlie!!! You're the man. I want to see you in TEDx telling your story to the world.

  3. Nii is an amazing African bro. He is fun to be with and has great sense of humor. When I first saw him, I felt for him. But alas!!! Dude is a great man that can do all things that any able man can do. Charlie!!! You're the man. I want to see you in TEDx telling your story to the world.

  4. Great job Tope for beautifully putting these memories with Nii on the web; for the world to see a such a beautiful soul. Thanks!!!

  5. Nii is an inspiration. everything about Nii is inspiration..very beautiful inside...such an awesome person

  6. His story inspired me that no matter your situation,there is always hope. Nii is so energetic and full of life.

  7. Hmmmmm l didn't know you can inspired me now, thanks for sending me your story.

  8. Wow my good friend, you just awakened the drive in me,thanks dear

  9. OMG, I love this story.
    I'm inspired

  10. Wow, I love this, am very much inspired

    1. So glad you were inspired!!!

    2. You're indeed a great man Nii....God bless u my brother

  11. Indeed you are the best dear, am very glad to meet you 🥰🥰


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