Happy Fathers Day!!!

As a dad
His arrival to the home changed a lot, it changed the atmosphere and filled the home with laughter
I watched him crawl
Saw him struggle to take his first steps
Heard him call me “Papa”
I saw him imitate my every move, a caution to me
Then suddenly he grew, from toddler to teen, from teen to teenager and from teenager to adult

I look at him today and I’m amazed at whom he has become
Not a perfect replica of me but rather a better replica of me

I will introduce him to you in a jiffy but let me just tell you a little about him

Well, as a proud dad I tell you about my son today

He is talented handsome fella
From his birth I could tell he was born for greatness
He stands amongst his peers but even while standing, he’s so distinct
He’s the best of his equals, the smartest of them all
He speaks like every one of his colleagues but his words are like golden apples on a silver tray, spoken at the right time and in the right circumstances.
His friends look up to him, strangers seek him out after hearing of his exploits


His home is a place to be
A safe Haven for his family
To his daughter, he's the best of all men and the best of all dads
The only man she will ever call daddy.
The one who throws her up playfully;
Puts her toy back together when a screw falls out
That man who wipes her tears when she comes running to him
With him her cares never go unnoticed
He lightens up her world until the main guy comes on the scene and he’s always beside her to ward off intruders who look like the main guy but aren’t him.
You know how it is; Daddy& daughter.

To his son,
He’s a role model, a teacher, a friend and a mentor
Yeah and a confidante too, they talk like brothers
I watch him and his son and I remember the good old days I had with my son

Without doubt he loves his wife
As Abraham protected Sarah, he protects her.
As Boaz provided for Ruth he provides for her 
As Jacob loved Rachael; he loves her.
As Abraham protected Sarah, he protects her.
Like the interaction between David & Bathseba he enhances & polishes her to undeniable shine.
As Boaz provided for Ruth he provides for her 
As Jacob loved Rachael; he loves her.
Like Hosea he molds her character-wise and lovingly re-arranges her priorities.

-A wife is naturally beautiful but the touch of her husband brings it to the lime light.
-His touch creates a walkway for her to showcase her beauty-within &without.
-As a flower opens up and comes to life at the glimpse of the sun, so does a wife's beauty open up with the touch of her husband. And gradually, like a fountain that has its current controlled, the rich deposits of beauty within gushes out though with guided restriction to change lives.
-like a properly positioned flower vase he positions and sets her up where her influence can be inhaled and drunk
-like the layers of onions, where newness and beauty is seen with the exposure of every new layer, a husband’s touch gently opens up these layers in his wife, exposing her rich qualities. He gradually opens up the layers of woman hood; the layers of a home maker; and the layers of mother hood
-His touch is like an added boost to her self-esteem 
- This same touch & support wheels her into her destiny
- She might be a homemaker but not without his help. He plays his part also by helping with repairs, tending & mowing the lawn, just to mention a few.

He’s a priest in his home, a reference point at work and at Church an example to the younger ones.

He’s my son and I’m proud of him; Well If you are wondering who my son is, wonder no more….he’s that guy sitting next to you…..

Truth be told
Our homes will be out of balance without the touch of our brothers, fathers &husbands!
Our Churches out of balance without men like our leaders, ministers & Rev.

In fact the world would be out of balance without the touch of men! No wonder GOD made man first. Selah!

Well Women what are you waiting for? Come on with a standing ovation celebrate every man, son, father & grandfather in the house today! 

Happy fathers’ day!


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