Celebrating Nigeria - Nigerian Children, teenagers and young adults speak

They might be young but their words also count. After all, they are the future of Nigeria.

Here they come……………Eve, Esther,Lizzy , Heritage, Ela, Olive and Happy. 

Ok........shhssssshh let’s hear the future generation speak.

Eve an 8 year old, who is into beads making and a grade 5 student of a school in Ibadan says she is proud to be a Nigerian.

This is what she has to say about Nigeria at 53; “I believe Nigeria is a good country”.

Do you sometimes feel like leaving this good country?

…..and if you are given the opportunity to lead Nigeria, what's the first thing you will do?

I will repair the roads and stop people from breaking the rules.

Lizzy a student at the University of Ife says, “at the moment I’m proud to be a Nigerian and truly do not feel like leaving the country yet”.

By "at the moment" you mean...

I haven't been out of the country yet. When I eventually do, I just might not be proud to be a Nigerian anymore.

Wow!!! Seriously, I wonder how many teenagers and young adults feel this way. Nigeria must better oh… We have to leave a legacy behind for the coming generations.

When asked what she thinks about Nigeria at 53. She replied, “Really there has been no progress so far”.

My-oh my..... Lizzy sure doesn't mince words.. Lol. 

If saddled with the responsibility of leading the country the first thing lizzy plans doing is to work on the educational sector 'cos she believes that's where it starts from.

I kind of second, education or let's say knowledge is one of the major ingredients needed in building a nation. Your knowledge and exposure will eventually be tested. Obviously with the on-going ASUU strike, I doubt if that is known.

Esther had this to say-
“Yes I'm proud to be a Nigerian and I'll always be and Nigeria at 53, for me is a sign of greatness”.

Do you sometimes feel like porting out of Nigeria?
No, not at all.

If you are given the opportunity to lead Nigeria, what's the first thing you will do?

I will change all the leadership who are corrupting this nation.

Unlike Lizzy and Eve, Heritage doesn't entertain any thoughts of leaving the country. For him, there is really no place like home.

Heritage is proud to be a Nigerian and Nigeria at 53 for him is a sign of growth. He says “Nigeria has grown from an economically and politically imprisoned nation to a fairly developing nation with a fairly developing economy”.

If given the opportunity to lead Nigeria, the first thing he intends to do will be to alleviate poverty by re-designing the economy and re-innovating Nigeria.

Ela, a singer and a JSS 1 student will most likely love to leave Nigeria one day but that doesn't mean she is not proud of her country where she believes 80% of the citizens are good people.

... 80% of Nigerians are good? Hmmm... I don't know oh...

If given the privilege to lead Nigeria& her citizens, the first thing Ela says she will do is to stop the police from collecting& receiving bribes. She will also give the less-privilege a monthly allowance.

*smiles* well I believe in a new naija sha, or else if it were to be the naija I used to know, most people will claim to be one of the less privilege, so they can be amongst those to receive the monthly allowance. I love my people sha-they no dey dull themselves.

Olive is of the opinion that for Nigeria to have come this far it means our imprisonment at the economical& political level is gradually dwindling. She also thinks Nigeria is becoming more developed.

She is proud of Nigeria, yes! But sometimes the thought of leaving blows on her.

The first thing she intends to do with Nigeria if called upon to lead is to make it a better place.

How do you intend making Nigeria a better place?

Firstly I would try and improve the economy status of Nigeria and I would try and make sure that there is no more fraud, corruption and embezzlement in the political aspect of Nigeria.


Happy a student of U.I says hmmm Nigeria is a blessed nation. Over the past 53 years a lot of things have been going on in the country; the good, the bad and the ugly but the bad seems to be overshadowing the good.

……..the good, the bad and the ugly…..

I asked if she was proud to be a Nigerian. She laughed saying “well..I'm proud to be a Nigerian. I love the culture! If I have to port out of Naija, the sole reason will be for adventure sake. Nigeria is my home”. Selah!

The first thing I'll do if given the opportunity to lead is to work on the security sector of Nigeria because people cannot fulfill their destinies when living in fear and are scared of losing their lives.


The truth is, as individuals no matter how many mistakes we have made or wrong steps we might have taken, it’s up to us to choose what to think about ourselves. We can either define ourselves by what we have done in the past or define ourselves by whom and what God says we are. The choice is ours; we can choose to see ourselves through the eyes of our mistakes and our past or choose to carve out a new niche for ourselves.

It’s same for Nigeria, the way we see our country is totally a matter of choice. So NIGERIA hits 53…..wow!!! The first thought that comes to mind is, at 53 what do we have to show or what have we offered to other nations, how much more our very own citizens? It is expected that as we increase in age there should be commensurate growth and result to show for the years we have existed.

Well, as the giant of Africa, we might have been living below the expected level for giants. But we’ll get back on our feet again for anything is possible. As my pastor says giants stand on feet’s of clay, so they aren’t exempted from falling. The good thing about falling is the decision to get back on your feet. Well I believe we will; the giant of Africa will yet stand on its feet again, strong and tall.

For me I see a lot of good in Nigeria. Facts have it that we have all the symptoms of a failed state but nevertheless we are still together as a nation. We’ve been blessed with good atmospheric conditions, no environmental hazard of any sort, we have resources; back then the craze was about cocoa but at the moment its crude oil. Really wish we’d focus on the other resources, hopefully we will.

Do you know we have 371 tribes in Nigeria?  That’s an amazing something *smiles* pardon my English but that’s what suits the moment- such an amazing something; 371? God dey try sha, Nigeria alone has enough tribes to make one wonder how God hears and answers people across the globe. A wonderful something oh!

I won’t say out rightly that we are united as a nation but we try, amidst the diversity that exists we have managed to stay as one. Thumbs up!!!

Well, it would be great if we changed our perspective and choose to focus on the good our country possesses and pray for God to guard our leaders right.

Long live Nigeria!!!



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