Fairly Used

Often, the items we consider useless can be of
great help to someone else. I have watched people walk from street to street in
search of fairly used items from people’s waste bins. People try to get spare
parts of phones and other electronics so they can use them where necessary. That
is to say that based on our mindsets, what we consider a waste or what we chose
to condemn differs.
For GOD, it’s entirely different and that’s why I
love him; he never writes anyone off. With Him, no one is an abandoned project;
just a work in progress. It doesn’t matter if you have tried and failed him
before, he is always ready to pick you, clean you and make you what he has
ordained you to be.
GOD doesn’t overlook anyone; He is actually drawn
to a classified set of individuals; people who have been condemned, relegated,
despised, forsaken and rejected; people who seem unqualified and have been termed
losers, He picks them up and re-packages them to suit His plans for their
God never looks down on people, so you shouldn’t
look down on anyone or yourself. The fact that you have a father who is helping you attain your destiny is one reason why you should never give up on
yourself or anybody.

Don’t quit just because people have said you can't
or will never amount to any good thing in life. It doesn’t matter what people
have said or are saying; a lot depends on you, weigh what has been said, take
what is useful and adjust. When you handle criticism with wisdom, a better you
emerges. @CaseyBrown447 said “By being yourself, you put something wonderful in
the world that was not there before.
Never give up on yourself, let the world have a
feel and fill of your flavor.

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