
Everyone grows but it just doesn't happen, it’s not an overnight process.
After all we didn't just grow to the height we are in presently
Gaze back at yesterday......
First, you crawled, took some baby steps and finally the solid confident steps which you are still taking today
The same goes for our academics, our walk with God and other aspects of  life.

Growth is necessary!
A grownup who still wears pampers till date needs a divine touch....smiles
We have to grow because we can’t remain at the level we actually began life in

Growth is mandatory!
Life is a journey, hence the need to get better daily
Being a better person than you were yesterday, striving to learn something new helps your advancement.

What you do today, affects your future.
Don’t remain the same, don’t stay at the same place….shed off what you need to shed off and add value to yourself. Even if conditions don’t support your growth, strive to grow.
If you don't push forward, you might end up going backwards.
Do all you can to be better!!!



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