Love Yourself

For a while now, I have been wondering what to write
I still don't know what to right now
But what matters is that I took the first step to begin writing
That's the most important, just start what it is you desire to start

.....Hmmm it's kind of late to say Happy New Year right but I will anyway, the year is still young *wink*

So yspot.....where is this leading, exactly what would you like to say?

Well, let me begin my post this year by saying this:

Learn to love yourself
No one will do that for you

Learn to laugh at yourself
So when others do that, it won't be strange

Learn to correct yourself
Don’t ignore those things that you need to work on
So you can avoid wrecking yourself by the things you ignore

What you dislike in others correct in yourself
You might just be as guilty as the next person

Learn to spend time with yourself
That way, you get to know yourself better

Learn to give yourself a treat
It gives you a boost

Speak to yourself
Call out the greatness within with your words

As often as possible focus on the picture of your future
Remind yourself of your dreams, you might have shared it with others
But sometimes “you” need to hear and see it

You need to love yourself
Look within there are lots of reasons to love you
No one can really do that better than you
What will make you happy is the love coming out of you



  1. I need to write some of those down and put them somewhere to remind me of my goal for self improvement and loving life. Thanks!

  2. good to hear, feel privileged to remind you of your goals for self improvement and loving life....
    Thanks for the feedback!


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