Keeping in touch

Keeping in touch is very good and's just that with the passage of time our friendship circle just keeps enlarging and increasing making the abiltiy to keep in touch with everyone a major task that demands a conscious effort. Plus the fact that everyone is busy with the demands of family, Church and work which also cannot be left unattended to.

Point 1: Everyone is busy

The good thing is that even in the midst of our busy schedule GOD has a way of bringing people to mind. Sometimes things happen around us that makes us remember people with whom we have had similar experiences with or we run into certain persons that remind us of our acquaintances. At such moments the best thing to do is to pick up our phones and send either an SMS or make a quick call or else it might take another divine reminder to remember we need to keep in touch.

Point 2: When you are reminded of someone, check on them immediately or set a reminder or else you might forget and the same thing will keep reoccurring and you end up not nuturing that relationship as you ought to.

Let me paint a common but very funny and sometimes annoying scenario of how people try to check up on others and I'm certain you've experienced it too. the midst of a busy day when your boss seems to be piling up lots of 'to do' on your table or perhaps it happens to be one of those days when you need a certain amount of money to seal up a business deal or lets say one of those hungry sunny pick up your phone to see a ping on your BBM or a message on WhatsApp from a friend whom you've not contacted in 3 months and whom you have also not heard from over the past 3 months

And the conversation goes like this....

Friend: Nawa oh..... you have completely forgotten about me. You can't even say you should check up on somebody. It is well oh. Please try and be checking on us once in a while my dear..... Anyway how are you?

You: .............(Fill in the blanks remembering your boss is on your neck or you still trying to sort out the dollars you need to seal up the business deal) I most likely will be dazed, angry or irritated.... Dunno 'bout you..

What if the conversation went like this....

Friend: Hey dear....been a while. How are you doing? So sorry I haven't been in touch. You came to mind and I decided to check up on you. Miss you loads.

How about that......

That you remembered someone first and checked up on them doesn't mean give you the right to point an accusing finger....nah....The fact that you remembered someone is because GOD brought that person to mind. Just humbly show some love....*wink*

So...this is my way of saying;

How have you been? Know that you are very much cherished, loved and appreciated....*smiles*



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