
Showing posts from February, 2017

Mornings with Grace 4

Helping a stranger On this fateful day as we drove on the express to work, we saw a man by the road side trying so desperately to stop anyone that would care to stop. So many cars passed by without stopping and I don't blame them. There are different types of unseeming dangerous schemes that people come up with these days, you hardly know whom to trust. *** Lesson 1: It's true that people have made it difficult to lend a helping hand to those who truly need it. Nevertheless, let us not totally close our hearts to helping people. Give when asked even if the recipient is claiming to have a false ailment; he or she will reap the rewards of their actions while you on the other hand, will reap a bountiful harvest. *** As we approached him, he waved us down. We were not sure what he wanted but Grace stopped anyway. Question? Would I have stopped? How about you, would you have stopped? Lesson 2: It takes the leading of the Spirit to know the right steps to take. The ...

Mornings with Grace 3

The decision to move to another branch of her Church Not only did I get a speedy ride to work that day but I still do till date. Our prayers have the tendency of receiving answers and results that exceeds our expectations. Don't take the prayers you pray lightly, because GOD will definitely answer and when He does, you will be amazed at the extent to which He answers. Because GOD can see ahead, He answers your prayers but goes the extra mile and makes available the likely needs related to that single prayer that you offered. He does this because he knows all things and He understans that if you ask for a shoe, you will also need a shoe polish, so he provides you with both even though you only asked for a shoe. Abraham asked a for a son but he got the 12 tribes of Israel and not only that, GOD also promised to give him descendants that are as numerous as the stars and as the sand on the seashore. When you ask, He exceeds your expectations..Selah! Back to MWG... smile...

Mornings with Grace 2

First Drive with Grace After the bump in at work, we both parted ways. Weeks later, I was running late for work one morning and as I stepped out of the house, I silently desired a speedy ride to work. The desire was a silent heart cry to GOD; you know those types of stressless and seemingly powerless prayers where it seems like you were merely wishing and GOD actually answers even before you put a full stop to the sentence. GODs ways are far beyond what our human minds can comprehend. He can never be predicted. Sometimes, He answers immediately and at other times, it seems your prayers didn’t go beyond the But they sure did. Anyway, as I was saying...before I interrupted myself.... I was asking for a speedy ride to the office and just then, I heard a car coming from behind me, I stepped away from the road so the car could pass by. As I waited for it to drive by, I looked and behold it was Grace!!! I gladly hopped in and we zoomed off. That was the be...

Mornings with Grace

“Mornings with Grace” is actually the snapshot of the discussions and moments I have shared with my friend Grace. I usually ride with her to the office in the mornings and I can tell you, there has never been a dull moment with her. I have been inspired and built up. We’ve had amazing and awe-inspiring discussions about GOD, life, family, career, Kids, meals etc. Such that when the time comes to part ways to our respective departments we do so reluctantly. Over the next few days, I will be sharing a wide range of things I have been privileged to learn during my mornings with her. It has been laid on my mind to do this and I am certain, this will be helpful. Day 1 – Reuniting with Grace Ebun was on her way to see me; as she had promised to bring some longrich products so my cousin and I could patronize her. But she missed her way, so I had to stand in front of the house so we could locate ourselves. Ebun was heavy and I was not ready to answer any questions from h...