Mornings with Grace 4

Helping a stranger On this fateful day as we drove on the express to work, we saw a man by the road side trying so desperately to stop anyone that would care to stop. So many cars passed by without stopping and I don't blame them. There are different types of unseeming dangerous schemes that people come up with these days, you hardly know whom to trust. *** Lesson 1: It's true that people have made it difficult to lend a helping hand to those who truly need it. Nevertheless, let us not totally close our hearts to helping people. Give when asked even if the recipient is claiming to have a false ailment; he or she will reap the rewards of their actions while you on the other hand, will reap a bountiful harvest. *** As we approached him, he waved us down. We were not sure what he wanted but Grace stopped anyway. Question? Would I have stopped? How about you, would you have stopped? Lesson 2: It takes the leading of the Spirit to know the right steps to take. The ...