Mornings with Grace 2

First Drive with Grace

After the bump in at work, we both parted ways. Weeks later, I was running late for work one morning and as I stepped out of the house, I silently desired a speedy ride to work. The desire was a silent heart cry to GOD; you know those types of stressless and seemingly powerless prayers where it seems like you were merely wishing and GOD actually answers even before you put a full stop to the sentence. GODs ways are far beyond what our human minds can comprehend. He can never be predicted. Sometimes, He answers immediately and at other times, it seems your prayers didn’t go beyond the But they sure did.

Anyway, as I was saying...before I interrupted myself....

I was asking for a speedy ride to the office and just then, I heard a car coming from behind me, I stepped away from the road so the car could pass by. As I waited for it to drive by, I looked and behold it was Grace!!! I gladly hopped in and we zoomed off. That was the beginning of a Soul and Spirit inspiring ride to work.

We chatted about school, people we sang with back at choir and so many other things. One thing that struck my mind in the course of our conversation was how glaring it was that school was a actually a rehearsal ground for most of us. Whatever you begin doing at school...actually stays with you when you are out of can cast your mind back to your own life and school. People who were Teachers of the Word back then; those who were comedians, singers, SUG officials and leaders are a better version of those things today except for those who lost the passion along the way. 

Days later, I saw a billboard of a Church and the guest artist was Pastor Chingtok and I was so excited seeing it because this was something he had been doing way back and the fact that he was still in it made the baby in my womb jump for joy and also, because it confirmed what Grace and I had talked about.

Lessons learnt
- GOD answers prayers....what you desire might not always happen quickly but it will eventually. Be rest assured..what you are calling is coming.
- The way we handle relationships matters. You never know when and where you will end up meeting individuals again, so it's best to treat everyone with love and respect.
- Never let go of your dreams and passion. 
- If school is indeed a rehearsal ground for the future, gaze back to your school days, what can you say you were rehearsing for? Are you a better version today? Retrace, rethink.....and realign if need be.



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