Mornings with Grace 3

The decision to move to another branch of her Church

Not only did I get a speedy ride to work that day but I still do till date. Our prayers have the tendency of receiving answers and results that exceeds our expectations. Don't take the prayers you pray lightly, because GOD will definitely answer and when He does, you will be amazed at the extent to which He answers. Because GOD can see ahead, He answers your prayers but goes the extra mile and makes available the likely needs related to that single prayer that you offered. He does this because he knows all things and He understans that if you ask for a shoe, you will also need a shoe polish, so he provides you with both even though you only asked for a shoe. Abraham asked a for a son but he got the 12 tribes of Israel and not only that, GOD also promised to give him descendants that are as numerous as the stars and as the sand on the seashore. When you ask, He exceeds your expectations..Selah!

Back to MWG... smiles

I remember during one of our rides to the office, Grace shared with me, the leading to make a move from the Headquarters of her Church to a branch close to the house. She had spoken with her husband and they were ready for the change. Although not everyone accepted their decision but obeying GOD was far better to them than pleasing people. We are accountable to our Creator, the one who made us and not to our fellow created humans or createes.. hehehehehe. You won't find that in the dictionary, so don't bother checking....I know people who are like will still check.. loll *just checked the dictionary*

They made the move in obedience and lives were impacted, theirs as well. Months later, there was a release to go back to the Headquarters and they did. Someone might be wondering, so why did they leave in the first place? GOD is mysterious in His ways and sends a Word per season. It's our duty to stay alert and move when He is moving. Once you are done with an assignment, He moves you on to the next one. Don't be too rigid...move and let Him have His way. The same GOD who asked Abraham to slay Issac, provided a ram. What if Abraham insisted GOD said he should kill Issac and therefore went ahead to kill him. Staying connected to GOD at all times makes us enjoy access to divine guidance and the wind advantage.

Lessons learnt
- When we pray, GOD answers and the answer that He gives doesn't only cover the original request we made but beyond what we have asked, He answers all the likely desires that are tied to that one request. He does exceedingly...Ephesians 3:20
- Only the sensitive will know when GOD is actually leading them. Reduce the distractions, the activities and  create more time for GOD. In the end what truly matters is doing what He asked us to do.
- Your walk with GOD is YOUR walk with GOD and not your walk with GOD in addition to what other people may think, say or suggest. Once you are led, run with the vision. Don't let anyone dissuade you. At the end, we will answer to GOD individually.
- We know in part....GOD might not show you the whole picture at once. Just take the first step and the other things will fall in place.
- When GOD wants you to do something, share with your spouse..and you can be sure that, that same thing has been laid on his/her heart.
- GOD can change His mind at anytime, yours is to stay sensitive and obey. Don't be too rigid or stubborn....once you loose your peace, retrace your steps.
- Only a true father will guide your every step so you don't miss it.



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