
While dad was working at the bank, there was a certain man who supplied the bankers with beef. He kept at it for many years and I cannot remember dad and mum ever complaining about his supplies.

Lesson 1:

Be the best at what you do; harness your skills with every given opportunity. Strive to be the best you can be.

Back to the story....

Years later, I walked into the bank and right there behind the counter sat this same man. He was now a cashier at the same bank. He went from supplying meat to the bankers to being a banker.

Lesson 2:

-      Sometimes we get tired of doing the same thing over and over again but don't give up, just keep at it because opportunities abound everywhere. We only have to look intently to see and grab them with both hands. This man saw an opportunity and he seized it.

-     To move from one phase to another, you need to make sacrifices. I can imagine what it must have caused this man to go from being a supplier to becoming a banker; making enquiries and being laughed at, going back to school to finish up, writing exams etc. Whatever steps you need to take to move to the next phase of your life, get to work; time waits for no man.

-     Never look down on anyone. They might not look like it today, just chill for their tomorrow. Let time play out and you will be amazed.

-      Believe in yourself! Others might look down on you, but you should never look down on yourself; you are the greatest cheer leader of your life. Whoever said how you start out, is how you will end. Fallacy! Your path will definitely keep shinning brighter and brighter.....only if you believe.

Life will always present you with opportunities to be more and to do more. But if you choose to remain where you are, life will not argue with you and if you choose to stretch for more in life; life will also make it happen. You determine your future, life only plays along.



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