
Spending time with them nieces and nephews has given me so many reasons to laugh.

Some days back, Jem who had taken lots of sweets for the day and had been warned by her mum that there was no more sweets for the day, walked up to me saying, "aunty Tope, my mouth is asking me to take another sweet". I said "Your mouth, tell your mouth no oh, or else". OMG! I laughed so hard.

Well, after lunch today, my bigsis and I were seated in the room, when little Dave walked in:

Dave: Mummy, I want my reeeee pot
Bigsis: Your what?
Dave: My reeeee pot na, I want to show mummy Princess

....I decided to join in the conversation

Me: Your report?
Bigsis: Oh, your report card
And Dave goes: Noooooo, my reeeee pot

While we were trying to decipher what dear Dave was saying, Bigsis told him to go call his sister Jem, who apparently was the decoder of little Dave's grammar.

Jem who was engrossed with the cartoon she was watching, was not happy about the interruption and responded "what???"

Dave: Jemima come na, tell mummy to give me my reeeeee pot

And they both strolled into the room...

Bigsis: Please what is he asking for?
Jem: His wristwatch
Dave: My reeeee pot na

Bigsis and I burst into laughter. We never would have decoded that at all. Thanks to dear Jem, little Dave was given his reeee pot.

I don't know what you are asking GOD for or what you have asked Him for, He has different people positioned to bring the answers to you. They are called helpers of destiny, people who can Interprete and bring your desires to you with ease.


Here is me saying thank you to GOD for 2017
I am grateful for the people He used to interprete my desires and dreams
I am grateful for my Pastors and Mentors; friends, colleagues, yspot- crew and my family
I am grateful for YOU, yes, the fact that you read the articles here, keeps me writing

As 2017 gradually rolled by
I was tempted to count the loses
The things that did not work out
The people I lost; BDO and EDA
The hopes that were dashed
The decisions that hit rock bottom
The list could go on and on
But....I slapped some sense into my head
And changed my perspective
GOD deserves to be praised
I made it through 365 days successfully
Sane, hale and hearty
Enjoyed divine direction and timely help
GOD made all things to work out for good
He never left my side
He was always working behind the scene
He sent me the best of friends, colleagues and family
He provided, protected and promoted
And most importantly, I know the days gone by can't be compared to the days about to be unveiled
I know He is not done with me, neither is He done with you

Maybe you feel the year wasn't what you desired or you feel the year far exceeded your expectations, still yet....get your praise on and get ready for the unveiling of the most amazing days ever. GOD is about to adorn you with what you treasure the most....maybe a reeee kidding. 
Just know that 2018 will be most REMARKABLE!
Amazing days are ahead of you.



  1. True talk dear.. we have a lot to be thankful for despite the ups and down in 2017

  2. God indeed deservers the Praise. Thank God He understands our every request and don't need any interpreters. God bless you Tope. Rhoda salifu

    1. True dear...He understands our every need, even before we ask.


      Thank you dear


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