Life na jeje

My friend set out on a trip from Ibadan to Abuja. But as they boarded, they were informed the aircraft will make a detour to Ilorin, to drop off some passengers then head for Abuja. It sounded okay since they will be heading for Abuja as planned but little did they know that things will turn out differently. 

*This taught a major lesson

- Only GOD knows how each day will end, that is why it is paramount that we trust Him and involve Him in our day to day plans

....back to the story

They arrived the airport at Ilorin by 1:15 in the afternoon, waited on board the plane for over 30 mins, after which they were asked to disembark....

 *For what???", I can imagine my friend saying*

Well, they disembarked and that was how the waiting began.......

....and that takes me to "Waiting" 

Waiting is not always easy..whether waiting on a queue or a job, a child, a promotion, an estranged partner or a partner at all, none is easy.

*Everyone in life goes through a season of waiting on GOD for an answer. Abraham and Sarah waited, Hannah also waited. When you consider the weight of what GOD is bringing your way, waiting becomes easier. Everyone who waited for a child in the Bible gave birth to extraordinary children...Isaac, Samuel, and John the Baptist. What is that promise that you are waiting on GOD for? Just hold on...GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN YOU!

....back to the story

At certain intervals, I kept in touch to find out if they had taken off and the answer was still the same...NO

By 9pm... I placed another call but was shocked to hear they were still in the lobby. My friend just kept laughing, more like a laughter of disbelief and shock. 

You know, there are situations where we find ourselves and we can't help but laugh, not the good kind of laughter though. Remember Sarah? Her laughter was one of disbelief stemming from a heart that had waited, trusted and believed over and over, and over and over and yet, it seemed like her faith was not noticed in Heaven. 

But it was!!!

GOD had His own timing and when the time came, the Bible says...."and GOD remembered Sarah". 

*What has GOD promised you that still seems way out of your reach? And just like Sarah, you have trusted and believed but it seems like nothing is happening. Take your eyes off the obvious, GOD is definitely working behind the scene. HE IS STILL KNOWN FOR DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE.  He will turn things around in your favour and soon it will be recorded that..."and GOD remembered you".

Back to the story...

On board the same plane was another passenger who decided to go by air, so he could arrive Abuja early enough while his brother went by road. The irony of the matter was that his brother arrived Abuja while he was still chilling at the lobby in Ilorin...


Indeed the race is not to the swift but it's of GOD who shows mercy. 


*GOD's calculation of time differs from the way man calculates it

*We make plans, but GOD determines the outcome

*The certainty of your desires and plans is all dependent on GOD friend arrived Abuja safely at past 12 am. Yes... 12 am. Amazing right! 

This and some other instances have taught one the importance of living one day at a time. No one but GOD knows how a day will end, so why the worry. I no more fuss about the many activities I have ahead of me; I just take each day, one day at a time.



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